The Spec Bowers RINO Report – Bonnie Ham

Bonnie Ham has one of the worst voting records of all time.  Her opponent in Grafton 3 is Paul Schirduan. Ham won their 2022 primary by only four votes. Schirduan is a veteran of four years in the US Air Force and later worked as a civilian with the US Navy. His contact info is, 603-728-8367. We … Read more

Brodie Deshaies with 4 wheeler

OK, Another Bright Spot in Yesterday’s Primary Election – Hey, Brodie DeShaies!

Yep, he of the poor voting/legislative record and union shill “laundering” that union PAC money to others.  Getting endorsed by Democrats isn’t a good look either. And thus, the voters of Wolfeboro looked past him: Once again, not a great thing to be the third man in a two-man race. Yet another ambitious young politician … Read more

Bonni Ham for NH House NOT

RINO Report: Bonnie Ham

North Grafton District 3 (Lincoln, Woodstock, Easton, Livermore) has a 2 for 1 primary. One candidate is atrocious; the other does not (yet) have a voting record.

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newborn baby

Action Alert: Six Republican Reps Conspire to Make Abortion Legal Until Birth in NH

Cornerstone Action sent out an action alert this weekend about HB1609, a Republican-sponsored bill that would return New Hampshire to being a state that allows abortion up until the moment of birth for any reason.

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