I recently wrote about NH Rep. Mike Bordes of Laconia and his vote for HB224, which would remove all penalties from the Fetal Life Protection Act, which would make it risk-free for doctors to perform abortions on babies past 24 weeks gestation.
Dan Wolf
Dan Wolf, Mike Bordes, Travis O’Hara & Mark Proulx – Karl Marx Would Be Pleased With Your Vote
By voting for HB 10 you have not only betrayed the Republican Party, you have betrayed a basic tenet of Americanism. By joining with the Democrats to defeat the Parent Bill of Rights bill, you have joined with the Marxist who seek to destroy everything decent about our nation.
RINO Report: Dan Wolf
Merrimack district 7 (New London, Newbury) has a 3 for 2 primary. Two newcomers, Claire Ketteler and John Bowman are on the ballot against a RINO. At least one of them, ideally both of them, will be on November’s ballot. Voters will finally have a chance to vote for a real Republican.
RINO Report: Jim Allard
This is the second in a series that points a spotlight on some RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) to defeat in the upcoming primary.
NH Republican Rep. Dan Wolf Celebrates Gruesome Late-Term Abortion with Democrats
Last year, Governor Chris Sununu signed the Fetal Life Protection Act into law as part of the budget trailer bill and the Democrats have been attacking him mercilessly for it ever since.
Abortion Bill Gutted, Sununu Thwarted, Dems Rattled
Tuesday, the NH House Health, Human Services, and Elderly Affairs Committee held a public hearing on HB1609 which was sponsored by six Republicans for the purpose of gutting the Fetal Life Protection Act (FLPA).
Action Alert: Six Republican Reps Conspire to Make Abortion Legal Until Birth in NH
Cornerstone Action sent out an action alert this weekend about HB1609, a Republican-sponsored bill that would return New Hampshire to being a state that allows abortion up until the moment of birth for any reason.
Should men be allowed to compete in women’s sports? House Ed Committee says “Yes!”
We were at the NH Legislative Office Building on Tuesday, February 25 to represent the sane perspective that men should not be allowed to play in women’s public school sports.
Meet the GOP Fascists
This follows up on a post by Steve about the eleven GOP Representatives who joined the Democrats in voting against repealing the law establishing no-free-speech zones outside abortion clinics. I previously posted about the no-free-speech zones: Planned Parenthood’s contention that the law is about safety is laughable. The law does not limit itself to obstructing, … Read more