Tuesday, the NH House Health, Human Services, and Elderly Affairs Committee held a public hearing on HB1609 which was sponsored by six Republicans for the purpose of gutting the Fetal Life Protection Act (FLPA).
Articles tagged as
John Graham
Action Alert: Six Republican Reps Conspire to Make Abortion Legal Until Birth in NH
Cornerstone Action sent out an action alert this weekend about HB1609, a Republican-sponsored bill that would return New Hampshire to being a state that allows abortion up until the moment of birth for any reason.
Meet the GOP Fascists
This follows up on a post by Steve about the eleven GOP Representatives who joined the Democrats in voting against repealing the law establishing no-free-speech zones outside abortion clinics. I previously posted about the no-free-speech zones: Planned Parenthood’s contention that the law is about safety is laughable. The law does not limit itself to obstructing, … Read more