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“A 40% Fatherless Nation?”

This post by Terence Jeffrey at the Daily Signal caught my eye a while ago – I just couldn’t cram it into my schedule at the time as it takes time to reflect upon its message and how it is adding to the crumbling of our traditional norms.

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Sherm Packard yelling at protesters that are on his side WMUR screenshot

Even Republicans Think We’re Imbeciles and Incapable of Self-Care: The COVID

I recently got the following from a NH Republican House Legislator (who asked for anonymity) lamenting our “political elite” on both sides of the aisle. You know, like NH State Rep Kris Roberts (D): “Government has to protect us from our own stupidity.” However, this is about the Republicans.

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Infantilization of the American Citizen

One Effect of the State Treating Us like Irresponsible Children…

Sometimes, it just needs to be said. Pun Salad:

A good amount of that is the normal irritating “I wish the authorities would make those other people behave.” But some of it seems to be “I wish they’d tell me how to behave.”

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Given the Choice, Government Will Choose What is Best for Government

Politicians always want to be seen as “doing something” for you in order to “buy” your vote. And the electorate has been conditioned to believe that Government MUST be in the loop of life, else we’d all DIE!

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