Well, of COURSE I bought the book as well. Why not? Now, some might say “Hey, you’re funding the enemy!” Yeah, a few shekels will make it into Van Jones’s wallet. But I also read Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals for TWO specific reasons:
- Sun-Tze: know your enemy
- I almost got Alinsky’d before I knew what it was (Hey, Zandra Rice-Hawkins -> #FAIL)
I have no intention of allowing myself to get “Jones’d” in the future; as my high school Principal said over and over and over (again) over the loudspeaker for the morning greeting: forewarned is forearmed (and in politics, that last word has multiple definitions). He’s a major player in this engagement between philosophies – and make NO mistake, we have been in a philosophical war here in the US for quite some time. His is an ideology, shared by much of the White House denizens and President Obam. It is one that is an outlook that is more communism than individualistic, more Marx than Founding Fathers. In fact, I think it could be safe to say, as was discussed a lot at the Future of Journalism Summit dinners, workshops, and informal gatherings, that this struggle we are in IS a Cold Civil War. Just was with the war with Communism (which, being between nation-states, did have a few “hot” proxy wars – more on this later.
In the mean time, here’s video of me getting the book signed:
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