Two weeks ago, I revisited a thought we may have all been pondering by now. If the Political Health Oligarchy insists on boosters (and it does), will “The Vaccinated” become “unvaccinated” if they skip or miss or refuse one?
You stepped up like a good little citizen and played vaccine roulette with the most deadly immunization in US history. It’s killed more people than all other vaccines combined over the past few decades. All because they promised you it was the golden ticket to the Back to Normal Factory.
You go it, but you can still catch COVID and spread it. The vaccine unflattens the curve. And you might even end up in the hospital or dead. The solution to this, according to them, is another shot of the same.
And what if you resist that? Two is enough, no, three, maybe it’s five. Oh, and your job may depend on it!
By accepting or advocating the original terms, you have swallowed with it the unwritten fine print. Medical tyranny eternal with rapidly declining access to medical anything else.
Related: If The “Vaccinated” Refuse the Booster – How Long Until They Are No Longer “Vaccinated”?
I was serious about the risk, have been for many months, and so are they.
It may turn out that the term “booster” is a bit of a misnomer, and that the correct number of shots for maximum efficacy isn’t yet known
— Bloomberg (@business) November 15, 2021
Don’t get too comfortable with your current situation; we might need to jab you a few more times until we get the Desired Results™, whatever those are this week.
If you disagree you could experience side effects like “bullying, joblessness, getting canceled, discharge from the military, humiliation, arrest, and incarceration.”
Related: The Myocarditis/Pericarditis Pandemic – Who Has to Die before You Believe?
It has no end but is there a line you’ll not cross if no one knows what “the correct number of shots are,” and why would they treat you any differently than they have treated the unvaccinated up until now?
You only got two? What are you, vaccine-hesitant!
And please don’t say you’ve not been warned.
The question was not how to perfect people or their government (the excuse Marxists use to justify behaving as badly as any people or government could). It was how do we confine the conflagration of human vices in those drawn to government service so that they do the least amount of damage. …
All of which brings me back to the Plandemic. Not the finer points but the big picture. Public health is just another mule for tyranny. They will use that excuse again to infringe on your rights. So, what are you prepared to do? Can you ask the question and live with the answer?
We’re already a good way down this rabbit hole, but there’s still time to turn it around. But if you don’t start now, we’ll all get dragged down with you.
You must understand. This has never been about public health. If unlimited boosters and the shadow of militant political control over the lives of everyone isn’t enough to get you moving, then you deserve what you get.
But the rest of us don’t deserve it, and we won’t stand for it.
We can resolve it on the soapbox or at the ballot box but failing that, the inevitable course, will make life a lot more uncomfortable than being around people without a mask or those who refused to play vaccine roulette.