Before They Erase It: In Feb 2021 US Had Lowest Surface Temps in 30 Years

The warming causes cooling crowd has a problem. If we accept their “theory” and its solutions without question, then someone is guilty of conspiracy to commit murder. Cold kills and their power solutions do not warm. And February surface temperatures were the coldest in 30 years.

Related: Climate: If The Science Is Settled, Why Do They Keep Changing It?


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) officially reported that during February, the average contiguous U.S. temperature was 30.6°F, 3.2°F below the 20th-century average. This ranked as the 19th-coldest February in the 127-year period of record and was the coldest February since 1989.


This doesn’t seem all that odd, given that we are at the beginning of a solar minimum. Odd weather is predicted; cold seems likely. But insisting that CO2 makes it colder at the beginning of a solar minimum is about as clever as saying it creates warming during a solar maximum.

Saying warming creates cooling sounds stupid but not as stupid as the parrots who unsettle the settled science every time the settled scientists. Or when their political masters unsettle it to ensure the hypothesis still looks like what we’re seeing. (And to justify the accumulation of more and continued taxpayer-funded grant money in defense of the consensus).

The consensus is that the theory must change and that change is consensus. Please repeat after me, 97%, 97%, Climate Change is real, even when we keep changing it. Now, when I say ‘Herbert Marcuse’, you will wake up feeling dread and misery and believe that Communism is the only cure to the changing climate of climate change.

Are you awake yet?

Neither one cold month nor one hot month make a trend. If you don’t believe me look at the NOAA data above from 2004 to the present.

Surface Temp Data Source - (USCRN) care of WUWT

The months by themselves are all over the place but put together; it is at best a flatline. Not exactly the life-ending oven the chicken-little left has been pimping to rob you of your rights and your incomes.

Not that it matters. Cold, warm, rain, drought, too much snow, not enough snow, it’s all our fault, and that’s at least partly true. By allowing these idiots in their bedlam to continue at positions of power, we get exactly what you’d expect. Inmates running the asylum, funding experts in agencies empowered to make everything we see fit into a hand full of narratives and then intimidate us or shout us down if we dare to think anything but what is permitted, eventually by law.

If you’re concerned about the cold, and we should be, wait until you see the chill they put on everything else.


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