Could Trump Win Massachusetts in November?

The Democrats must have an oversized amount of whatever passes for faith in their ability to “win” in November because their open-door illegal alien invasion policy is so well past pissing off their own base that Trump winning Massachusetts has to be a consideration.

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John Fetterman Dem PA

Fetterman Can Become A Serious Leader

Sometimes, heroes arise in the most unlikely manner. Who could have predicted that Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) would become the voice of reason in the Democrat ranks and show support for the Republican Immigration bill, HR-2, that has been locked in Chuck Schumer’s desk since it passed the House on May 13, 2023.

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Have We Reached The Point Of No Return

There is a rhythm to politics, but we usually live in the middle of the spectrum, leaning one way or the other. Barack Obama made the Progressive Radical Left popular, and for the last sixteen years, we have been pulled out of the middle to the more Socialist Left. The previous four years have been highly volatile, even on the state level.

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Smuggling and illegal immigration

We Must Stop the Destruction of Western Progress and Culture

The mass immigration of 3rd world country populations into Western countries currently happening across the world has to stop and must be reversed.
Case in point: Reportedly, the most popular first name in the UK right now for baby boys is Mohamad, and the world is supposed to celebrate this in the name of diversity and all the “advantages” it supposedly brings.

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From the Halls of…

Ya gotta wonder why there are so many Americans siding with Muslim extremists and why the Biden administration is deeply bowing both to them and massive numbers of Palestinian “supporters” here in the US.

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AOC fake crying at border fence

Cortez Tries Schooling Witness On Immigration

I have explained why I refuse to refer to Alexandria Ocasio Cortez by her preferred AOC. Cortez has never done anything to earn a moniker like JFK, FDR, or LBJ. As a matter of fact, Cortez has done nothing of note in her tenure in Congress. She has yet to have a bill passed that she authored since her first day in Washington in 2019.

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NY Mayor Eric Adams

Let’s Play Who’s The Racist Bastard

Eric Adams is the mayor of New York City. He is pretty typical of big city mayors. He is a leftist. He is black, his city is struggling, and he does a lot of what American politicians these days do a lot of; blame other people for their problems.

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Ted Cruz US Senate Screen Grab The video

Who Are The Democrats Serving

Ted Cruz (R-TX) may not be a favored son of the Left. But when he proposes a bill or amendment that benefits the country or our national security, it should garner consideration from the Left. Let’s look at three instances that did not get one single vote from a Senator across the aisle from Cruz.

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