Derry, Derry, Quite Contrary, Mask-Mandate Fines, Yes or No?

The Town of Derry, New Hampshire, that bustling little-berg, is grappling with the problem of our age. The COVID Age. Can or should we milk people’s pockets over that State-wide mask mandate thing?

Related: Gov Sununu Issues Statewide Public Mask Mandate for NH – Resist!

I’m not familiar with the players, but the question is this, according to the Lawrence Eagle-Tribune (which, as a reminder, gets a lot less internet traffic than we do, so this link-share is a Google boost for them and their paywalled website).

Town Councilor Joshua Bourdon spoke at the Dec. 1 council meeting, saying he hoped the council might consider putting an ordinance in place to impose fines on those who were choosing not to wear masks following the governor’s mask mandate announced recently.

Bourdon cited increasing COVID-19 numbers, saying having an official ordinance would give the mandate more teeth.


Joshua thinks masks do something to prevent the spread of the virus. What a maroon. Josh, if that were true, germ-infested Nashua would not be a hot zone that has been mandating masks all summer. Or, Massachusetts would not be COVID-CASE-Hell despite more extreme mask measures for even longer.

“Our job as leaders is to take a vote on whether we should impose fines,” he said, “to show we are doing everything to shoot down this virus. I think we should consider acting, and I don’t think we’ll be alone.”

That’s Joshua again, saying what everyone is thinking. We have to look like we’re doing something, but again, that’s all this is, and then there’s the money grab bit.

[O]thers on the seven-person Council disagreed with Bourdon, saying it might be more of an education piece to get to the public, instead of forcing financial strains on those who are not masked.

“And who will be the mask police?” Chirichiello asked. “That needs to be part of it as well.”

Others not agreeing with Bourdon’s plan included Phyllis Katsakiores, Charlie Foote, Jim Morgan, and Richard Tripp.

The matter is as yet unresolved. Do we put the screws to locals who have been put under house arrest, or forced to close a business, or had their hours cut (while big-box competitors stayed open)?

I think the answer is as simple as this.

Following the directives of Pope Fauci (from their religious capital at the CDC) unmasked people, outdoor, six feet apart, are good.

If they want to be closer, they need any size dinner table between them and a waitress. Bar top, booth seat, any size or shape will do!

I’m not sure what magic Rona blocking properties arise from the addition of a table and waitstaff, but those are the rules. Masked waitstaff is not at risk from unmasked patrons, but remove the tables and the covid snowflakes melt.

That’s me, and I want to add his majesty King Sununu to that and the Democrat courtiers in Concord who have been fine with this table arrangement all year long.

No one suggests imposing fines on an unmasked group at a table being served by a masked attendant. That was fine all summer, and cases (which, like masks, still mean nothing) dropped precipitously.

Hospitalizations and deaths are all that matter, and those have not changed despite the ramped-up testing, tension, and fearmongering. Almost no one has anything to fear from this thing.

The thing they need to fear is government and these Town Councilors in Derry who want to punish them for making their own choices and assuming what amounts to little to no risk to anyone under the age of 70, especially if they are healthy.

Fining people will only take more money they don’t have from them to enforce a mandate that won’t even protect them.

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