Red smoke red alert smoke flare

Calling All Patriots!!!

Emergency situation in Atkinson today! Calling all patriots!!! A library trustee has demanded that all trustees wear masks today at the 4:30 meeting because she is “immunocompromised.” Please come support the lone trustee who refuses to wear a mask by showing up at the meeting at Kimball Library whether or not you’re a town resident. … Read more

The New England Take: Stop Masking for No Reason!

One of the local podcasts we’re thinking of sharing is A. J. Kierstead’s The New England Take. It has decent production values and good sound and offers a lot of local and Concord-centric content, with and without guests.

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No Mask

The Unmasking Bill Should Pass

Now that the COVID pandemic is behind us, we must thoughtfully evaluate what happened during this unprecedented time and prudently consider what should be done if a similar crisis ever happens again. One of the major issues that emerged during this challenging period was the mandatory wearing of face masks in schools.

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Orwell 1984 Two Minutes Mask Hate

Holiday Greetings From The US Centers for Disease Control

The Directors of the US Centers for Disease Control are back with more advice on optimizing discomfort, infection, and spread of COVID-19 (Shouldn’t it be  COVID-23?) this holiday season.

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John Klar demonstrates proper use of facemask

Masking Creates Toxic Health Impacts …

In the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, confusion surrounded many medical issues related to a scary, novel disease. Travel restraints, quarantines, mortality rates, treatment modalities, and a vortex of complex issues confronted an anxious American public told ubiquitous masks were a necessary prophylactic pending the arrival of a vaunted new vaccine to rescue humanity.

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Fauci Gates Van Free Vaccines

Masks Do Not Work, But Put It On

There is no evidence that masks work at preventing the spread of COVID. It does not matter if it is cloth or paper. No one can give you definitive proof that a mask covering your nose and mouth will insulate you from the COVID-19 virus, but put it on.

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More LIES From Fauci Because He (And Others) Have Never Been Held Accountable For Their Past Lies

You do NOT need to be a “scientist” … an increasingly meaningless term … to know that Fauci is full of sh*t. His latest? Masks work on an “individual basis” but not on a group basis. HUH?

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Joe Says Put On Your Mask And Get Your Shot

No data exists, but that doesn’t stop the government from striving for power as the Blue states begin to roll out restrictions on all Americans. Over 100 colleges and universities, no reason to specify them as Blue, have placed mask mandates on students and faculty and are disenrolling students who are not vaccinated and boosted.

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Soldiers helicopter

Nothing To See Here … Just Some FBI Agents Deservedly Getting Their Butts Kicked

Notice how they hide their faces when their masks get ripped off. As they should. Because they are the modern-day equivalent of the Cheka, the Stasi, the Gestapo, etc., etc.. Every day America becomes more and more and more a Police State. Wray, Garland, etc. should have been impeached months ago. The FBI and the … Read more

if masks actually worked

St. George’s Hospital London: Masks Made No Difference in COVID Infection Rates

Another high-profile result has arrived to confirm your suspicions about masks being useless acts of public health theater. St George’s Hospital, London, The UK’s largest teaching hospital, has announced that masks made no difference in infection rates.

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Masks the lie you participate in today

I Was Informed That Unless I Put a Mask On, I Would Not Receive Service …

Hello Dr. XXXXXXX, My name is John Cawthron. I am your patient and had an eye exam scheduled for Monday, December 5th at 8:00 AM. I arrived at Nashua Eye Associates around 7:50 AM. Upon entry, I was approached by an attendant who told me that I had to put a mask on.

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Screen Grab Fauci Old CSPAN

Under Oath, Fauci Can’t Name A Single Study That Justified Mass-Masking

Lord Fauci is infamous for noting that there was no reason for people without symptoms to wear a mask. This made sense because the research said masking healthy people was pointless. Not long after, Fauci flip-flopped, so lawyers asked him about it under oath.

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Girl glasses mask

SAU16 : Still Masking Little Children, the Disaster Explained by a Parent

Did you think masks were over in school? Not so fast. In spite of the CDC dropping their recommendations on masks, one parent in SAU16 found out that her child was masked at school.

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House Session

So Kids, What Did We Learn From Thursday’s House Session (09/15/22)?

We learned it was “Veto Day” and the last session of this legislative body until after election day and new legislators are sworn in. The opening ceremonies included a memorial to Rep. Mary Griffin, who passed away recently, and prayers for Rep. Gary Hopper who is fighting cancer. There were also many thanks to those who have served the House and will not be returning and those who did not make it through their primaries last Tuesday.

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Sun King Sununu

The Most Consistent Thing About Sun-King Sununu Is His Self-Serving Inconsistency

When it comes to masking schoolchildren, as you may recall, Sun-King Sununu is all about local control. His rationale for a veto prohibiting schools from mandating masks:

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Orwell 1984 Two Minutes Mask Hate

“The War on the Unvaccinated was lost and we should all be very thankful for that.”

I haven’t seen anything like this around these parts. A vaccinated Australian has written an Op-Ed in which they thank the unvaccinated. For what? “[T]heir perseverance and courage bought us the time to see we were wrong.”

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sheep wearing a mask

New Study: Pediatric Masking (School Mask Mandates) Had No Effect on Number of COVID Cases

A long time ago, in a reality far, far away, the CDC, NIH, and others knew that mass masking couldn’t reduce viral spread. They also knew masking had downsides. But the mask became a symbol of compliance and they ignored their own research. They even invented some to justify masks. But that’s falling apart, again.

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Chris Sununu - crazy

So, NH Gov. Sununu, Once Again, Is Talking Out of Both Sides of His Mouth: Local Control, Parental Bill of Rights, Masks

Yeah, sure thing, Baby Huey.  Once again, you’ve taken an issue important to your (now shrinking) Republican base and tossed it into the trash can. And again, it’s over what PARENTS believe is best for their children.  Nice to see that you’re showing us that you’re “Bigger” than they are – and using the rubric … Read more

School Bus Photo by Austin Pacheco on Unsplash

Compromise Is a Lost Art

I have written on numerous occasions about the ills of the education system and the indoctrination of our children. I can speak about this subject because I drive a school bus for high school students in my hometown.

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cdc shirt

CDC’s Latest Tweak to Mask Rules Expose COVID Policy Fraud

For years the CDC has been using metrics to identify counties with a substantial or high risk of COVID infection. Local health enforcers used their guidance to make decisions about public health. But do you realize how insane those metrics were?

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