Imagine if All of Our Sons (and Daughters) Lived Out Their Lives This Way

by Skip

It must be nice to have been taxpayer-supported these last 47 years on the Government dime, eh Joe? But I guess it wasn’t enough. And now we end up with the “Biden Values for America”?

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Biden Immorality

Imagine if all of our sons (and daughters) lived out their lives this way – and you really didn’t know anything?

Why should we vote for the political version of Sgt Schultz (yep, let’s see if the young’uns get the culture reference).

This is a real problem with politics in general – it seems all of them at that level have about the same skeletons in their closets but yammer about the other side. I’m as partisan as the best of them but this drives me absolutely crazy with the complete repudiation of “he that is without sin cast the first stone.”

Sure, we’re all fallen and the smallest of smallest sins is enough to disqualify us from heaven but this schtick has grown old. Hunter and Joe Biden are just the latest versions of it.

If they, or others, had any self-pride, self-realization, or even simple honor, they’d step down.

As Glenn Reynolds keeps saying, we have the worst Ruling Class EVAH!

(H/T: Ted on FB)

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