If You are That Scared Stay Home – We Can Run the World Without You

Nothing says police state quite like neighbors or customers snitching to the local constabulary about this or that perceived slight. In the age of COVID, this manifests as a failure to adequately mask or distance or some other fear-mongered incidentals such as OCD-like purification rituals improperly performed.

Related: What Will America Look Like After the flu d’état?

Months of terror propaganda has turned large numbers of once ordinary folks into socially-toxic Maskholes. Sputtering, angry eyed, germaphobes.

I’m waiting for them to start repurposing rape whistles.

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Open a business, give folks a job, try to offer a product or service, a long-awaited night out, and some Karen calls the Kops on you. That’s the story, especially in the bluer states. But we also see it here in the Live Free or Die State where Public Health Trumps Everything.

The State Attorney General’s office says it has received about 200 complaints since May and followed up on about a dozen incidents as the Casedemic continues to infringe on basic liberties. (For a worldview wrecking example, check out this post by Ed, from last night.)


One of those investigations is tied to a hockey rink in Nashua and a camp put on in August that led to four staffers and eight children testing positive for COVID-19.

“We have had cooperation, very much so, from the organizer and the rink owner in the case of the Nashua investigation,” Edwards said.

A finding is likely in the next week. Violators could receive a written warning or be fined, but officials with the attorney general’s office said they prefer education over punitive action.


Now, go back and look at Ed’s post again, and try to grasp the reality of what is being done to them and us. The AG’s office is investigating the spread of a flu that is proven to be significantly less harmless to kids than your typical seasonal flu. The State Attorney General!

Now consider that the Democrats would have made stricter mandates – still pointless and useless – state wide sooner and for longer. Restaurants are closing on the suspicion that an employee was exposed. That is not sane, nor is it how the Constitutional Republic should operate.

Feeling like you have to close your doors for a few days to avoid the COVID Stasi from shutting you down for weeks.

And it sucks, but it is not without hope. While our Governor has high approval ratings in general as well as for his handling of COVID19, he has still, in our opinion, gone too far for too long. And while a retooling of the Statutes would help limit abuses by this or future governors, the immediate cure is a responsive legislature top-heavy with representatives who put your rights above all else.

They can overturn any emergency order with a vote.

Yes, that sort of majority is a rare thing indeed, but not beyond hope. We did it in 2010 and minus a few weak links in the Senate, managed to reboot state government.

We find ourselves in a similar circumstance today. Budget deficit looming. Regulatory overreach. The need for a State House that can leverage the Governor away from instead of toward unnecessary restrictions on freedom.

Elections have consequences. We need a pro-liberty majority legislature, with pro-liberty leadership.

And while we all know Democrats who are decent enough folks, the ones that run for office can’t be trusted, and they certainly won’t listen to us.

After all, they are smarter than we are, so they will bring that California agenda to New Hampshire, given the opportunity.

It comes down to Institutionalizing COVID Karens or freedom of choice. That is what is on the ballot in November, so choose wisely.

Freedom isn’t free, and liberty is more valuable and much rarer than life.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at GraniteGrok.com. Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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