DISQUS Doodlings – Kudos to the 47 Republican Reps that Refused to be Assimilated by the Democrats

by Skip

Once again, New Hampshire Democrats try their hand at “Freedom Shaming” against those resolutely refusing to be assimilated by the Ray Buckley Borg (a Star Trek reference for the uninitiated).

Related: All of NH Governor Chris Sununu’s 22 Vetoes Upheld by the NH House

Last session, they took great umbrage at the 50 or so “Freedom Reps” who refused to go along with NH Speaker of the House Steve Shurtleff’s (aka “Deputy Dawg”) that mandated masks be worn in the UNH Durham ice rink.

Since the normal House of Representatives was deemed too small for the 400 reps sitting shoulder to shoulder in the early part of the pandemic, buy new voting equipment, the rink provided the necessary space to dutifully spread them out to 6 foot “apartness” that’s been demanded. Masks are required of one sort of another except at lunch which was provided on the rink floor – at which time lots of pictures showed these mostly old geezers huddling together for informal confabs as they stuffed their sandwiches down their gullets.

Yeah, the cohort most at risk, the mask demanding Democrats, close it trading both bits of food and “droplets full of the Kung Flu particles ” made for great and hilarious derision (you know, Rules for thee but not for me).

Anyways, JR Hoell put up this tweet from the Democrat Party:

Not all that big on Individual Freedom, are they? They certainly feel entitled to force people to act the way they want them to behave. Those folks went up to the nosebleed section away from everyone elsewhere there was almost a nil chance of infecting any of the Ray Buckley Borg Collectivists from the Crypt.

I’ve maintained all along that I have the freedom to wear a mask – or not (although TMEW has OTHER ideas on that!). That Freedom does not extend in forcing others to wear a mask when I am in the vicinity. That’s not how Freedom works – forcing on your will onto others. However, the other side doesn’t think this way.

Ever since FDR’s Second Bill of Rights, Progressivism has marched to a different morality – see here for a decent read. Morality for them has NOTHING to do with good or evil in the traditional sense of the words or history. You see, our traditional Judeo-Christian philosophy applied those to attributes to Individuals who were thought to have agency – control over their own actions.

Progressivism deny that – they have now almost fully accepted the notion of “sideways” Marxism. I say sideways because the Marxism of Karl Marx was all about splitting a nation along socioeconomic class lines.

Thanks to the Franklin School and the Italian Socialist Antonio Gramsci, that thinking was adapted to America as it was noticed that so many Americans were ok with their status and knowing that it was a land of Opportunity in which one could improve their lot in life. So, seeing “traditional” Marxism as a failure, they decided to partition Americans by sex (now bastardized as gender identity), race, and any other superficial features. That, they’ve been successful in using as political clubs against everyone that isn’t them.

Goodness is the Collective – it’s start, it’s growth, it’s “community” (another word that has become co-opted), and it’s own theology. Good is anything that promotes that Collective. Evil, on the other hand, is anything or anyone that resists and does not embrace the Collective. Doubt me?

Again, look at Ray Buckley’s Borg Tweet. Nothing less than a shaming of those that “refuse” to protect the Collective – in this case, the other House reps, especially the retrograde Democrats that MUST, by definition, fall into line.  And not only those in that cavernous ice rink interior (even when the Freedom Reps were high in the rafters and FAR away from the drones (yes, deliberately chosen word for this respect) but those OUTSIDE the rink and parking lot – do you know how large the UNH Durham campus is?

This is farcical on its stupidity. And this virus is SO dangerous and virulent that 47 Reps (actually the number is higher but observations and careful counting can’t be allowed to get in the way of the Collective Narrative) that the whole of Durham was in instant risk of dying.

Yep, dying.  438 deaths come out to be 1 “excess” deaths per day given the NH population of 1.3 million people.  A percentage of 0.034% – not even a rounding error. Sorry for the deaths but this isn’t reason for setting public policy. Subtract the 80% of the elderly that died in nursing homes and this goes to “absurd”. Clownish, even (thus the “Featured Image”).

And if they are going to drag in the dead for political purposes, nice way to take advantage of their families for a given agenda.  So why not the same reverence lately from the Left about the 9/11 deaths – I’ve seen a number of “move ons’ lately that it is time to “let it go”.

No, these folks (plus my OTHER two Reps, Glen Aldrich and Jon Mackie, were also up there in the nosebleed section) complaining that someone would DARE to not following the herd’s lead are seen as evil BECAUSE they refuse to be a part. Nothing more, nothing less.

It’s an exercise in fearmongering – live by the emotion, die by the emotion. Mobs aren’t rational – they are driven by emotion, react due to emotion, and require emotion to “stay alive”. The Democrats know this – and they know when the cogs in their Collective start dropping out, they lose. The mob ALWAYS requires a target – and these folks are now the current ones.

This wasn’t about Public Health in the least. This was a cheap political ploy – but one I call a boomerang. They want to use it to rally their own followers – and not realize that they’ve now empowered the Right to protect the Right of Association (see! There IS a Constitutional Right involved in this!) by rallying behind these so-called “evil” ones. Sent out as a weapon, returned as ridicule. Clownish.

As part of a Facebook private group’s, I wrote the following:

Not all that big on Individual Freedom, are they? They certainly feel entitled to force people to act the way the want them to behave. My resonse:

Someone said that people Choosing for themselves (my “Who Chooses?” meme of late) that the Freedom reps were just exercising their freedom but NOT forcing it on others:

That is my point – the Dems ALWAYS wish to force people into THEIR group and THEIR mindset. It is ALWAYS the “Collective” – there is no Individual action allowed. Thus, this totalitarian effort to shame those who are basically saying “Up Yours! We will not bow down”.

Even though Ray Buckley would love to have all of them on their knees…

Take that for what you want.

They refused to be assimilated! (a reference to the Borg for the Star Trek uninitiated)…

And of course, while Buckley’s Borg is whining about those far, FAR away from anyone else in the rink, there was nothing said about those disrespecting the Flag and National Anthem. THAT, they said, was “Patriotic”:

Timothy Horrigan – big surprise, huh?

and others on the rink floor that are unidentified:

And let’s not forget the Democrats GOING WITHOUT MASKS THEMSELVES. Lunch, you know. Pharisees all.


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