Vote, ballot, ballot box

Election Denying Democrats Drop Appeal To Overturn Recount

One of the fun things about the Political left is that sometimes they get so invested in a narrative that they forget about blowback. Calling anyone who dares to challenge election results they don’t like an election denier is a great example. And these Democrats not only denied this election they were taking it to court.

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NH Dems Blame Koch Brothers for Sununu Refusing To Advance Undercover Tax Scheme

NH Dems Whine - Blame Koch Brothers

I think it’s kind of cute that the NH Democrats continue to pretend this had anything to do with offering Family Medical Leave Insurance (FMLI) to New Hampshire Families. Or that Governor Sununu would accept “FMLI” in any form the legislature coughed up.

Here governor, sign this thing that happens to have family medical leave insurance in the name or else we’ll call you names and blame the Koch Brothers.

He didn’t so that’s what they did.

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GrokTALK! September 19th, 2015

This week we are joined by Steve Lonegan Dir. of Monetary Policy for American Principles in Action on the Fed and monetayr policy; Susan Olsen with a “no vetoes were overridden day” recap,; Kimberly Morin from with a report on a protest outside  the NH Dem State Party Convention; plus candidate and debate talk, and … Read more

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