Republican for Congress Takes Maryland Democrat Politicians to the Woodshed on Black Lives

Kim Klacik is from Maryland, lives in Baltimore, and is a Republican woman running for Congress. As a Republican, you’d think her prospects dim (Elijah Cummings held the seat for 23 years until his recent death). But she’s not sitting on her hands. She’s taking it to the Left, and she is not taking prisoners.

Related: BLM Cofounder’s List of 10 Things White People Need to Do (And My ‘List’ in Response)

In a Tweet posted yesterday, she wrote (reformatted),


Democrats don’t want you to see this. They’re scared that I’m exposing what life is like in Democrat-run cities. That’s why I’m running for Congress. Because All Black Lives Matter. Baltimore Matters. And black people don’t have to vote Democrat. Help us win.


In the attached video (below) she shows you what the democrats do not want you to see. Baltimore. A city controlled by Democrats for 53 years. And she wants you to know that after all that time, this is what they “accomplished.”

She talks as she walks through the neighborhoods where black families live. The trail of evidence, if you like. It is not flattering, but it is that thing we’ve spoken about here at length. A sad reminder that Black Lives Matter is a political group pushing a far-Left agenda that, if Baltimore is any indication (and it is), holds no promise for Black Americans who continue vote for Democrats.

Kim’s solution is similar to mine. A half-century of failure is fifty years too long. Stop voting for them.

MD 7 has been in Democrat hands for 57 years. Kim is hoping to break the cycle of abuse.

Here’s her ad.

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