propaganda-gc2e6dcd3c_640 Pixabay TayebMEZAHDIA

Notable Quote – Lying with Impunity and Then Demanding You Affirm Their Lie

“The modern Left’s standard tactic is first to propose a transparent counterfactual (men becoming women perhaps being the most egregious), act on it as if it were real, and demand we all do the same. They never stop, they never sleep, they never quit. The Great Reset proposes to command by fiat what Nature and … Read more

Schools as Institutional racism

Quick Thought – I wonder if School Districts have even realized this yet?

I would hope that School Boards would ask themselves “Really” when they review the graphic below? Frankly, #1 and #3 are ABSOLUTELY being done right now. We also know that #4, #5 and #6 are also “School Morality” that conflicts with many (if not most) Parents’ set of moral teachings for their kids. And the … Read more

Patriot with AR-15 1

Notable Quote – Operation Gaslight-to-the-End?

Their tactics…our response? Reformatted, emphasis mine: …This event was complicated.  Among other things, it highlighted how differently the police may respond to one group and not another. Antifa and BLM were allowed to destroy huge swaths of many cities across America, rioting with impunity using firearms, bats, bricks, fireworks, Molotov cocktails, fists, and just about anything you … Read more

“You Better Start Freaking-Waking Up This November!”

What seems obvious to those of us who wade around in the swamp all the livelong day may not yet have penetrated the collective consciousness of many average Americans – that these goings-on are neither random nor incidental.

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Why Can't You privileged white men Understand

Blaine Amendments Are Going on Trial

The Blaine Amendments are going on trial. Get ready for one of the most important education-related Supreme Court cases in 50 years: Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue. The case is on the schedule for hearing by the nation’s highest court on January 22, 2020.

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Andy Ngo, Antifa and You

The president tweeted, “Consideration is being given to declaring ANTIFA, the gutless Radical Left Wack Jobs who go around hitting (only non-fighters) people over the heads with baseball bats, a major Organization of Terror (along with MS-13 & others). Would make it easier for police to do their job!” Is he right? The anti-fascist movement … Read more

“The politicization of everything”

Concord_Monitor_logoBill Bunker, a conservative commentor over at the Concord Monitor (yes, there are a few!) actually had an Op-Ed piece published by said paper by the name above (reformatted, emphasis mine):

…Politics spills into every aspect of our society, including sports, entertainment, faith, education and even corporate America. No aspect of our lives is immune from toxic political sewage spewing from those with an agenda, ideology and thirst for power. What brings fans together at a sporting event is the game. Uniting behind our favorite team, we find common ground and sameness. We can be of a different race, economic class, gender, politics or faith, and we meet on common ground. Politics has eroded and is ruining that tiny bit of unity.

Athletes and media outlets like ESPN abuse their powerful celebrity pulpit, destroying what little common unity many of us have left. Subtle suggestions of our supposed racism and sexism in Super Bowl ads is a prime example of politics permeating the institution of sports and pitting one fan against the other.

My comment is after the jump and wouldn’t you know it, two sad examples of injecting Progressive politics showed up today:

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Between A Trump and a Hard Place

We talk Trumpmentum, Trump-tactics, third party, political cults-of-personality, Establishment games, and observing who tolerates what in a sometimes almost progressive-like battle for a Republican nominee.  

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