How About a Taste of That Famed Democrat “Civility”…

by Skip

The Reverand Al Sharpton called President Trump a bigot (and Al knows a thing or two about being a bigot). That’s “civility.” Michelle Malkin was beaten by BLM thugs and prevented from speaking at a Denver pro-police rally.

Related:  “If You’re Against Racism, Then You Should Be a Capitalist”

I have met Michelle and interviewed her several times – she is a charming lady who also is firmly grounded in her conservative views – imagine, Black Live Matter supporters beating on a small Filipino lady. That’s “civility”.

Anti-Catholic Bigotry’: Rep. Jim Banks Demands Investigations Into Anti-Catholic Crimes – and these incidents of church burnings (and not just Catholic ones, either) and desecrations, religious statues attacked and broken,  are rising just at the same time that the BLM movement is rising as well. And Christian theology is under attack in all aspects of life (like here). After all, Marxists will have no other god before them and the Biggest Government they can muster. How are they any different from the Marxists in China: China orders Christians to replace crosses and images of Jesus Christ with portraits of communist leaders ? More here.

Democratic National Committee platform mentions ‘whites’ 15 times, all damning – it’s almost as if the Democrat Party WANTS to be seen as racist. My question is if this is how their Platform looks, how do they explain away Gropey Joe (I know, a bit of humor-to-be can creep in)? How DARE they discriminate against someone for the color of their skin – isn’t that their lesson that has been crammed down our throats for decades? White people are too rich, too privileged, and too evil.

Uncanceled: After Threatened Lawsuit, Charity Boss Who Criticized BLM is Reinstated, Cancel Mob Resigns

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti has deemed churches “nonessential

Black Lives Matter Co-Founder: ‘Majority of U.S. Congress is White Christian Men, That’s a Big Problem’ – it’s all about the Power, baby!

“We’re gonna disturb the peace every night,” he said as the crowd cheered. “We got a right to disturb the peace, they violated our Constitutional right, so we got a right now to disturb the peace. And we will – until they give us justice, we will disturb the peace!” – Yeah, this is going to make me sell my house and move there just as fast as I can! “pigs go home!”

Well, here’s an overreaching and broad generalized stereotype: “I think a lot of people believe … white supremacy is just when a white person doesn’t like a black person, but that’s just prejudice,” Bell explained. “In America, white supremacy is a system that promotes whiteness — and white maleness specifically, and white Christian maleness specifically — over everyone else.”

And aren’t stereotypes supposed to be uncool and uncivil? If the tables were turned…

Nikole Hannah-Jones, the New York Times reporter famous for her work on the paper’s “1619 Project,” confirmed Wednesday that she wrote a 1995 letter labeling white people as “bloodsuckers” and “barbaric devils” — with a caveat that she does not “hate them.”  Yeah, sure thing, ma’am.  Calling me a bloodsucker has nothing to do with any hate in your heart…“The white race is the biggest murderer, rapist, pillager, and thief of the modern world.”

Elizabeth Warren to black man: ‘Your life depends’ on Biden winning in 2020  – I guess Biden’s remark last go around that the GOP would put blacks back into chains just didn’t go far enough.

‘Virtually All White People Contribute To Racism’: Treasury Department Lectures White Employees As Part Of ‘Diversity Training’ – So, simply because of the color of our skin, we’re all racists. Well, when I get told by the Educational system that they care about my sons more than I do, I simply ask “name them”. Here, I ask “and your concrete and substantiated proof for my part”? I think this is rather racist – you?

A Black Portland Cop Says Rioters Are Racist. Leftists Immediately Confirm It.

And finally, let me close with this humdinger that tells you EXACTLY what the Left’s civility means – at a Black Lives Matter rally: kill all white men:

Transcript (emphasis mine):

You can’t talk about black issues and LGBT issues and exclude them as if they’re some individual issue, you need to be looking at this using intersectionality, which is a word that is thrown around, but what does it really mean?

It means recognizing that there is one common enemy: the white man. And the systems that they use are capitalism, patriarchy, and fascism. They were created and perpetuated by white men for white men in the interest of white men. And once we realize that we’re all fighting the same fight, it just strengthens the army. A problem shared is a problem halved. Imagine if we all realized and came together and grouped together. Now, obviously fighting these issues and addressing them all requires different methods, the way that you approach and change racism is gonna be different than how you look at homophobia, and we understand that, but you can’t just be out fighting for your own issues.

OK, I’ll go there – if all white men truly were Fascists, you’d mostly have been “disappeared” a while ago and most likely be dead. But again, stereotypes.

So, I’m just going to give you a few things that are happening outside of the country that I really, really suggest you all go and look at and educate yourself on if you’re not already, find the petition, sign them.

And if you think that Black Lives Matter movement is only about Black lives and police brutality, what’s all this stuff, eh?

We need to address the situation in Yemen, the 20 million people, mostly children, are living in extreme poverty and hunger and malnutrition, which has only been worsened by the coronavirus crisis. We need to look at Palestine. Recently, I think it was like three days ago, every map, whether it’s iPhone, Android, Google have removed Palestine from the maps. So, Palestine is still there, okay? Palestine is not gone, as much as Israel wants to take over everything, as much as America is funding them, and that’s an issue on its own.

And his circular speech comes 360 round:

We need to address the fact that, you know, all of these groups of people, the issues they face, it all comes from the same people, white men, so we need to get rid of them. I mean, how we do that – eat them? Kill the rich.

Kill the rich, eh? What about all those rich Black folks that play at the highest level of professional sports – will they be your target as well? Or will you still be discriminatory?


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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