Isn’t That Interesting

We may have sheltered in place a little too long…

The Coronavirus started in Wuhan, isn’t that interesting. Did you know that the distance from Wuhan to Shanghai is 537 miles? The driving distance from Wuhan to Beijing is 720 miles. Did you know the driving distance from Wuhan to Milan is 6,724 miles? The flying distance from Wuhan to NY is 7,497 miles. Isn’t that interesting.

There is little effect of Coronavirus in nearby Beijing. There is little effect in Shanghai. That’s curious. All business areas of China are now safe. That’s interesting. There are many deaths in Italy, Europe, Iran, European countries and USA. There are significant disruptions nearly worldwide. What does China know that we ought to know?

India is locked down but all the cities of China are open. China has announced the opening of Wuhan today. Not a single leader in China has tested positive for the coronavirus. The Coronavirus has its origin in the city of Wuhan in China. The virus is now reaching every corner of the world. The virus did not reach China’s capital Beijing 720 miles down the road. It did not reach China’s Economic Capital Shanghai, located 537 miles down the road. Isn’t that interesting.

Economic impacts…

The coronavirus is ruining many economies around the world.  Many countries have undertaken closures of their borders. Trade is grinding to a halt. The action is an attempt to contain and control the spread of Coronavirus. Many thousands have lost their lives. Millions now have the disease. Governments are locking billions of people in their homes. Many countries are placing their citizens on lock down. China isn’t under lock down. Isn’t that interesting.

The order in Paris is closure, New York closure, Berlin closure, Delhi closure, Mumbai closure and Tokyo closure. Those cities are not in China. The world’s major economic and political centers are experiencing closure. But Beijing and Shanghai are open. Why is that? There are no coronavirus significant effects seen in either Chinese city. There were some cases but the virus had no real effect on Beijing and Shanghai. Isn’t that interesting.

Beijing is the city where the leaders of China live. Many of their military leaders live there too. There is no lock down in Beijing. Isn’t that interesting. Shanghai is the city that runs China’s economy. It is the economic capital of China. Shanghai is where many of the rich people of China live. It is home to many major industries’ headquarters. There is no lock down here. There is no effect of the Coronavirus there. Isn’t that interesting.

Coronavirus China’s gift to the world?

Beijing and Shanghai are the provinces adjoining Hubei where Wuhan in located. The virus from Wuhan reached every corner of the world, but the virus did not affect Beijing and Shanghai… Another thing going on worldwide is market values have fallen by almost half. In India also the Nifty has gone from 12 thousand to 7 thousand, but the share market of China was at 3000 and the decline is to about 2700. Isn’t that interesting.

Was the Coronavirus is a bio-chemical weapon of China?  Did China use it to carry out an economic attack?  China now has this virus under control. Do they have the antidote/vaccine? Why are they are not sharing with the world? Are they looking for a sales opportunity or are they looking for military advantage? Maybe they want both. We can be sure they will do whatever whenever it is in their best interest to do so. You can take that to the bank.

Hollywood stars, Australia’s Home Minister, Britain’s Prime Minister, Britain’s Health Minister, Spain’s Prime Minister’s wife, Canada’s Prime Minister’s wife, and Britain’s Prince Charles, etc., etc., etc., have contracted the Coronavirus. But not a single political leader in China, not a single military commander in China tests positive for Coronavirus. Isn’t that interesting.

Just askin’…

And who have you heard ask questions about these curiosities? Isn’t that interesting… It is time to wake up and smell the coffee people… Wake up and smell the coffee.

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