Get Over It Already

Get Over It Already

There are three ways the virus ends:

  1. Development, distribution, and mandatory use of a vaccine…
  2. We have a cure (we need to allow its use) – Currently we are administratively blocking the use of known treatments, or…
  3. We establish herd immunity.

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How Deadly is Covid?

Isn’t That Interesting

We may have sheltered in place a little too long… The Coronavirus started in Wuhan, isn’t that interesting. Did you know that the distance from Wuhan to Shanghai is 537 miles? The driving distance from Wuhan to Beijing is 720 miles. Did you know the driving distance from Wuhan to Milan is 6,724 miles? The … Read more

About a Quarter of All Americans.

About a Quarter of All Americans

About a quarter of all Americans are under orders to close up shop and stay home.  Lawmakers in the District of Columbia are nearing a stimulus deal. It could pump over a trillion dollars into the economy. The agreement is on the stated need for a stimulus package. All want to limit the economic damage … Read more


Quick Shot: Israeli Scientists May Have Found a Cure for Cancer

This would be amazing if true. For starters, most anti-cancer drugs attack a specific target on or in the cancer cell, he explained. Inhibiting the target usually affects a physiological pathway that promotes cancer. Mutations in the targets – or downstream in their physiological pathways – could make the targets not relevant to the cancer … Read more

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