Trump Rolls Out COVID Tax Cut

President Trump has been working to fight the coronavirus. Before Democrats even knew what was going on, Trump was taking action. The president closed the border to China. This is one of the biggest things keeping the spread in check. Chuck Schumer called that racist. That’s Democrat leadership at this point.

President is working to cushion the blow

Trump’s secured billions to help test and treat the disease. Fear of this virus is having a bigger impact than the disease itself. We’ve seen the markets move on news but gyrate on rumor. We are in full on panic mode. Workers and businesses worry about the cost to their ability to pay the bills. So, the president has some solutions. He’s going to need help to implement those solutions. Help means legislative participation.

The President said Monday he will meet with congressional leaders Tuesday. The intent is to press them about what can be done to help the economy. The markets are clearly struggling with the panic in the news. The coronavirus outbreak and associated fallout has barely been felt at this point. We saw yesterday the Federal Reserve inject $500 billion into the banking system.

Trump met with Senate leadership on Wednesday to discuss a payroll tax cut. This move puts money into everyone’s hands immediately. It also injects cash into businesses because they do not have to pay the government. The savings goes straight to the bottom line or pays bills. He wants small business aid and help for hourly workers who might become sick.

The obstruction

The president is coordinating with Republican lawmakers to cut payroll taxes. He is also looking at ensuring hourly workers can take time off, if they become ill. There is also talk of a small business loan program. That would be aimed at helping people survive during a worst case outcome. He cares about the workers and the economy. He is demonstrating that in his actions and proposals. What are Democrats doing? They are trying to slide abortion funding into the emergency coronavirus funding package which they are talking about but holding up.

What have Democrat lawmakers said about these plans? Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer are aligned. They are appearing to pour cold water on the positive proposals from the president. But they have shared some of their own… ideas? Hell no… They complain about what others propose but lack any better ideas. It is time to lead, follow or get out of the way.

Schumer said, “What was missing from the President’s talk is how he is actually going to deal with the spread of the coronavirus… That’s what’s causing all the economic hardship.” The CDC and experts in the field have said in unison there currently is no cure. There is prevention. There are measures in place based on the best available information.

Active opposition

Schumer and Pelosi tried to tear down Trump’s plan to help businesses cope with the outbreak.  Their own response was to accuse the president of not working to deal with the spread of the virus. So he’s wrong because he’s not doing what they would do? NOTHING! That seems to be the inference. But what exactly would they do to help Americans?

That’s the difference between Trump and the Democrats. He’s been doing since day one. They are just out standing around the podium with microphones and finding fault and doing … NOTHING! The president and his task force have been working to contain and prevent this virus from spreading. This is in addition to dealing with the economic fallout. The administration can walk and chew gum. Pelosi and Schumer cannot… do not… have not… will not.

Pelosi and Schumer are Democrat leadership on display. The Democrats have determination to ignore the hard work scientists are doing at the White House. Schumer is the senator who complained when Trump closed our border to China. Only to delete the tweet, when he realized that was a good idea.


The president is actually working to help Americans through this. He’s battling the virus, its spread and the economic effects from all sides. Democrats only good for getting in front of the media and complaining. There’s looking good and then there’s being good. Sometimes you’re too busy doing good to make sure you create the appearance for the media. Trump rolls out co-vid tax cut proposal to help Americans. Which side are you on boy? Are you a Do-Nothing Democrat? Or are you working alongside the administration?

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