Whatever the American Media is obsessed with is probably utter bulls**t. It’s true. Name one thing they got right about Trump from their list of ‘We Have You Now’ moments? None. And we know by their own admission they are liars and no longer do journalism. So, Coronavirus?
The media exists to destroy Donald Trump and no amount of collateral damage (ala Nancy Pelosi) is too much. So, can you even begin to believe any of their ranting about the lasted SARS outbreak?
My current position is that they are currently the inverse of Communist China.
The ChiComs are inclined to hide problems to save face so they should be suspected of underreporting infections and deaths. And when you have complete control of speech and the media (and the government narrative – leakers are executed) you can do that.
You define ‘Truth” as the message that moves you toward your political goals.
In America, the media are the Chinese (like Academia, and in more ways than we know). They overwhelmingly work for the political left. They are no longer shy about that and not just because it is so obvious. So, little that comes from them is useful except to tell us where the truth may actually lay. In the opposite direction.
With Coronavirus they see a chance to destroy Donald Trump. Creating fear is already having minor effects. The stock market is nervous. People are getting suspicious of each other and the institutions tasked with collecting and reporting results. It’s getting a bit of the Millennial bug feel – sound and fury signifying nothing. And maybe it slows down the economy or even crashes it before November.
Democrats are on the record wanting that. So, I am becoming more suspicious of the overreaction than I was of the previous (suspected) underreaction.
We will have to deal with this, but we lose tens of thousands of lives annually to the Flu (even when Democrats are the president) so keep it in context.
We also have a very sturdy economy to weather any slowdown, if we even have one of those.
And really, the response is much the same as every flu season. Wash your hands frequently with soap and hot water. Get enough sleep, eat right, blah blah blah. And since novel Coronavirus can be spread by feces avoid adopting second and third world toilet habits and you’d be surprised how much that can do( just like with ebola).
And yes, I am going to say this, stay calm. Because the deep state (which includes folks at CDC and HHS) and the media are going to freak out, not because we should but because politics is more important to them than anything. They will happily tank the economy, or frighten the nation if it means more political power. And yes, the globalists would be happy to help them.
Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is sick.
President’s press conference on Coronavirus (jump to 22 minutes for the beginning of remarks).