So the Left wishes us to believe there is such a thing as Collective Responsibility


Another term for Collective Responsibility is “Collective Guilt.” As if the rest of us should be responsible if someone else does something stupid.

The end result of “Collective Responsibility” is “Collective Punishment.”

This we see in action today when some deranged mental case picks up a firearm and kills innocents.  The rest of the Second Amendment community is quickly called out. It is “our fault” for not being willing to give up our arms. To not register ourselves, our firearms, or be subjected to all manner of regulations. To be called selfish for standing up to this nonsense. Those that call for all these things believe as Hillary does. That,

“…deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”

Including codes that are Constitutional Rights that should be (and will) “be infringed” for this “common good.”  After all “the common good” is also a Leftist banality used to diminish the Individual which is also counter to what the Founders designed.

Inch by inch, round by round. Notice how the lady in the picture has decided to protect both herself and the Principle.  And so should we.

Today’s is a SICK Society, an ILL Society, a DEBASED Society. The Left has been working for decades to remove the Bricks of Morality from the Wall that signified our Society Norms and ways.  Pull enough of them out and it all falls down – the recent shootings have shown it is teetering badly.  We Normals see this and cringe.

The Left sees this as the result of their work; not as a problem but as a culmination – a nexus point.  A point in time in which they clamor that only Government can solve these ills (even as it has been maneuvered into being part of the problem calculus). They brush by the hurts they have done – breaking apart the nuclear family, the vast expansion of Government, adherence to external laws and replacing internal morality and self-government, the reduction in presence and influence of Civil Society and the entities that once lived and thrived in that, reduced our education system to shambles and leave our citizens ignorant of our own history and political philosophy.

They now deem us children in that we can only be successful with their hands on the tillers of a good and beneficent Government even as they work to remove self-reliance and decision making from us and simply offer up “free stuff” to lay us down into dependency.

And they now smile as they are almost at their end game – if we let them.

Collectivism is a tool of tyrants in a myriad of ways – to call ME guilty, to say I must be punished, to have MY Rights abridged, to have MY property taken away, simply because some evil or mentally ill person commits some crime – well, Collective Responsibility is merely the soothing balm under which we are lulled to sleep when actual Evil, when actual tyrants, begins work in the shadows by calling something that doesn’t exist into the reality of our perceptions.

For those of us that are Christians, this is heresy.  All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God but your sin doesn’t manifest itself when I come before the Throne (or the other way around).  And I say “No” to Obama for saying pretty much the same thing:

…that my individual salvation is not going to come about without a collective salvation for the country

I dryly note his rejection of Individualism in that one short sentence. Note, too, the complete abandonment of Christian orthodoxy of salvation as well.

Collective Responsibility to Collective Guilt to Collective Punishment to eternal Collective Damnation – recognize it for the crock and evilness it truly is.

Be like the lady in the image (which I have “fair use’d” from Grokster Kimberly): standing tall, standing erudite, standing with courage, and standing with the intellectual knowledge of what is happening and being able to say:

No, I refuse.  No, I dissent.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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