What_Is_Fascism Market Business News

Notable Quote – So What Is Fascism?

Emphasis mine: As Charlotte Twight has shown, the essence of fascism is nationalistic collectivism, the affirmation that the “national interest” should take precedence over the rights of individuals. So deeply has the presumption of individual subservience to the state entered into the thinking of modern Americans that few people have noticed – and no doubt many … Read more

Notable Quote – Contra the Left that LOVES Communism, The Freedom It Promises Always Results in Slavery

Communism failed and is bound to fail for at least two reasons: one, that to enforce equality, its principal objective, it is necessary to create a coercive apparatus that demands privileges and thereby negates equality; and two, that ethnic and territorial loyalties, when in conflict with class allegiances, everywhere and at all times overwhelm them, … Read more

American flag america

American Politics Seems to Have No Redeeming Factors.

The modern self-appointed progressive faction of the country’s political class has totally embraced Nazist ideologies. This so-called Democrat party is not democratic. Although the Democrat party members talk about democracy, typically in a way that seeks to provoke support through instilling fear, they do not practice what they preach. Actually, it seems the Democrat party … Read more

Monument to General John Stark and his men

Open Letter: To the Mayor of Nashua, and to NH’s Police

Dear Mayor Donchess:

A functional definition of Fascism is to use the government’s coercive power to force businesses to bend to government diktats. Thus, de facto control of those businesses passes to the government even if, on paper, the legal owners retain title.

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So the Left wishes us to believe there is such a thing as Collective Responsibility

Another term for Collective Responsibility is “Collective Guilt.” As if the rest of us should be responsible if someone else does something stupid.

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