Big tech control and your freedom

Will Big Tech and the CCP win the U.S. Election?

According to, the Republican National Committee (RNC) has filed a complaint against Twitter with the Federal Elections Committee (FEC). The social media company censored two New York Post reports.

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Trump Biden Ukraine Ad

Did Joe Biden Coerce Ukraine to Influence American Elections?

The Democrats are desperate to convince the American people that President Trump violated the law by coercing Ukraine to influence an American election. The Democrats are holding secret meetings in search of anything that could be used to impeach President Trump. But has anybody asked if Joe Biden coerced Ukraine? The so-called “scandal” regarding Ukraine … Read more

Jeanne Shaheen

More #FakeNews From the N.H. Political “Press”

It goes without saying that posting about the #FakeNews peddled by what passes as “press” in New Hampshire would be an all-day, every-day job. Still it’s worth calling them out as much as possible. So this from two of New Hampshire’s foremost fake-reporters: and this: The “articles” are virtually identical, and are actually little more … Read more

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