Jeanne Shaheen

More #FakeNews From the N.H. Political “Press”

It goes without saying that posting about the #FakeNews peddled by what passes as “press” in New Hampshire would be an all-day, every-day job. Still it’s worth calling them out as much as possible. So this from two of New Hampshire’s foremost fake-reporters: and this: The “articles” are virtually identical, and are actually little more … Read more


Carter Page Sues DNC for Defamation over Fake Dossier

Carter page has been put through the ringer. He was spied on, interrogated, all while being pilloried relentlessly by the media, based entirely on claims made in a piece of ginned-up political opposition research paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton Campaign through the law firm of Perkins Coie. The Trump dossier details leaked to the press … Read more

A Really Righteous Russian Tampering Round-up

Mike Rogers offers a recap of the Russia, Russia, Russia story from memos, to dossiers, to indictments, Uranium deals, distilling it all down in short order.

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