Andy Martin from campaign site

2022 Senatorial Campaign – Candidate Andy Martin Is at It Again – Sticking Foot into Mouth

Perennial candidate Andy Martin is forever trying to get himself elected.  He claims that he is the most experienced candidate in any race that he’s run in since I’ve been in NH.  I dryly note that his “experience” is in losing as he’s never come close to winning a single election. As far back as … Read more

And this is why candidates need to have their own recordings – Paul Steinhauser edition (Concord Monitor)

UPDATED: Sorry, video link wasn’t working.  Is fixed now. I’ve said it for years and years – anytime that you are going to be interviewed, record it.  Out in public? Get a camera of one sort or another (smartphones have pretty good ones now so no excuses).  On a telephone interview?  Do an audio recording … Read more

Jeanne Shaheen

More #FakeNews From the N.H. Political “Press”

It goes without saying that posting about the #FakeNews peddled by what passes as “press” in New Hampshire would be an all-day, every-day job. Still it’s worth calling them out as much as possible. So this from two of New Hampshire’s foremost fake-reporters: and this: The “articles” are virtually identical, and are actually little more … Read more

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