MAP Minor Attracted People _pedophilia Truth in Action B4UACT

Taking Pedophiles Off the MAP

Early warnings by those of us who understand human nature and human sexuality went unheeded that accepting the homosexual movement’s claim to want equal rights was a Trojan Horse with a slippery slope. That slop is now leading to the acceptance of pedophiles even as we were told to ignore that evil in the name … Read more

So, Who is the Next Maggie Hassan Staffer to go Rogue…

Or, is this, as Obama once said, “the new normal”?

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Democrat Hacktivist Who Justifies Violence Against Female 2nd Amendment Supporters Calls for “Disruption” of Trump Event in Manchester …

You may remember Eric Gallagher. I previously posted about his “you are a RACIST if you oppose Open Borders” defense of Open Borders. And about his justifying an assault on Susan Olsen by a Democrat State Rep: Rogers plead guilty to assaulting Susan Olsen, a 2nd Amendment activist, during a recount. Apparently, young Mr. Gallagher … Read more

Wanna-Be Democrat State Rep Condones Violence Against Women

I took a certain Eric Gallagher to task here for using the Democrat strategy of screeching RACIST to avoid defending illegal immigration. I didn’t have the time then to note another beauty from young Mr. Gallagher who aspires to be a Democrat State Rep.: Rogers plead guilty to assaulting Susan Olsen, a 2nd Amendment activist, … Read more

Animal Cruelty

So, now ANOTHER involuntary tax on NH Citizens, thanks to Republicans?

So, once again, Republican State Sen. Jeb Bradley (R-Wolfeboro) wants to create another government “insurance policy” in which the many of us that are law abiding and have a dog or two must pay a penalty for bad commercial breeders?  What is it with this guy that can’t seemingly leave any marketplace that he spies … Read more

The Tweet That Got Me Blocked By #AssaultRep

I’m sure you know of Representative Katherine Rogers, perhaps better known as #AssaultRep. She is that paradigm of Leftist tolerance who assaulted Second Amendment activist Susan Olsen, plead guilty to the assault, yet was exonerated and lionized for it by New Hampshire’s biased press: The coverage -if it can even be called that- by WMUR … Read more

So, what’s the reaction been to the gun grabbers? Lots! – Part II

Rassmussen is reporting that MORE guns in schools are the right way to go:

Fifty-four percent (54%) of American adults would feel safer if their child’s school had an armed security guard. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 26% would feel safer if their child attended a school where no adults were allowed to have guns. Another 20% are undecided.

Among parents of school-aged children, support for armed guards is even higher. Sixty-two percent (62%) of such parents would feel safer with an armed security guard at the school, while 22% would feel safer if their child attended a gun-free school.

And of course, we hear from many of the “Education Professionals” that the last thing they want to do is to disturb “the status quo” of the gun free zone (aka – “gun free victims here!!”).  But the actual Employers (aka, the parents, whose tax monies pay their salaries) are telling them otherwise).  Yet, reports are coming back that private offers of gun training for teachers and school staffs are being accepted far beyond expectations – so when you listen to “the professionals”, not all are of the mind to “lock the door and cower in the corner, defenseless.”

After all, it took the Sandy Hill police 20 minutes to arrive at that school – and they had drilled on this.  Yet, the Diane Feinsteins of the world want us defenseless even as the vast majority of us are being judged to be guilty for the acts of a few.

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