It’s Our First Top-Ten (October, 2018) on the New Website

In the early part of October, we stopped sticking our toe in the ‘New Website’ water and jumped. Pushed might be a better word. The old site lacked updated security features and we were suspicious of another potential breach so in we went. Splash! Complete with a slowly rotating top-5, at the top of the home page.

We’re still working out a few things, mostly on the backend but they have little (if any) impact on your front-end experience. One of those things was how we see site traffic. With a full-blown Google Analytics plug-in running there is a lot more information but page hits and views are still page hits and views and we like to let you know what content attracted more of both.

So, here are our Top Ten most viewed posts for October 2018.

#10 Blasey Ford: “Don’t impeach Kavanaugh if Democrats take control of Congress.”
10.7.2018 Steve Mac Donald

If you want to honor her request vote Republican. If Democrats don’t take back the US House, they can’t possibly go back on another promise. It will also prevent them from keeping promises like raising your taxes and undoing the economic recovery.

#9 It’s a ‘Ma$$hole’ Invasion to GOTV for NH Democrats
10.26.2018 Kimberly Morin

Apparently, there aren’t enough out-0f-state college students at New Hampshire colleges to get out the vote for Democrats so they decided to ship them up from Massachusetts… and Rhode Island.

#8 Go See “Gosnell” – and Here’s Why
10.11.2018 Ellen Kolb

Gosnell is subtitled the Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer, signaling a true-crime story. The film is that, and more. For all the horror and injustice inherent in the crimes of Dr. Kermit Gosnell in Philadelphia, this movie is about ordinary people and how they went about clearing away the horror and bringing justice to victims.

#7 NH Democrats Force Victim of Domestic Abuse Out of ‘Office’ While Her Democrat Abuser Stays
10.30.2018 Steve MacDonald

Buckley and the Democrat State Party’s credibility was never great, they are Democrats, but in the context of a Democrat woman who is the victim of domestic abuse at the hands of a Democrat State Senator? Really? Bosen fingers both Democrat officials and the indifference of prominent Democrat women in office or running for office who have hung Woodburn’s victim out to dry.

#6 The problems with constructivism in school
7.1.2009 Ann Marie Banfield

Supporters of Constructivism will often say that this approach gives the students a “deeper understanding” of the concepts.  Yet the critics argue that students become frustrated and that it actually can hinder the learning process.

#5 NH State Supreme Court Lifts Lower Court Injunction – Senate Bill 3 Must be Enforced for Mid-Terms
10.26.2018 Steve MacDonald

We can assume that Muscatel, Lopera, Dragone, Anderson, and Mehta are out of state students, probably paying out of state tuition. That’s useful. Having their names will make it easier for Ed Naile to do a bit of research while we wait to see the challenge proceed after the election.

#4 Why Do “Democrats” Hate New Hampshire?
10.16.2018 Steve MacDonald

[T]he party on the Left shares a common interest. Making New Hampshire politically meaningless. Stripping her of any significance. Removing any reason whatsoever for any national candidate to ever set foot within our borders again. How?

#3 RESIST Chris Pappas – He is WRONG for New Hampshire
10.11.2018 Kimberly Morin

Pappas will NEVER represent Granite Staters and the fact that he’s part of a “movement” that acts out violently against anyone who disagrees is not only abhorrent but it’s proof that he isn’t fit to serve the people of New Hampshire’s First Congressional District.

#2 Dem. Jeanne Dietsch: Ordered to Pay Over $600,000.00 for Unscrupulous Business Practices
10.25.2018 Steve MacDonald

Deitsch and her company (ActivMedia Robotics, LLC) profited for years by stealing someone else’s work until a NH jury ordered her company to pay over $636,000 in compensation (pg 9).

#1 Did Dr. Ford’s Lawyer Fail to Tell Her She Could have Testified in Private?
10.30.2018 Steve MacDonald

“During Dr. Ford’s testimony, she said she didn’t know the Judiciary Committee had offered many, many times for her to testify in private and in California.”

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