Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) announced Wednesday that she is planning to introduce two bills to protect students at schools – the school safety enhancement act, which expands the existing COPS program (Community Oriented Policing Services), and SOS or Save Our Students, which would expand the National Guard program.
SOS “would expand a successful National Guard program in place since 1989 that allows governors to use the guard to assist with law enforcement efforts related to drug interdiction and counter-drug activities. So we take a successful program, and we say we’re gonna add a new purpose, and that’s what we do in our legislation,” she said.
“National Guard troops could be used to support local law enforcement agencies in protecting our children at schools. This could take the form of additional guards at school as well as capital improvements such as strengthening the perimeters of the school and safety procedures,” Boxer added.
…“Right now, the program is a 50-50 match. My bill allows the Justice Department to reduce the local sheriff to just 20 percent for those schools who make the case for more generous federal cost-share,” Boxer said.
And the media and Lefty groups went wild over such a stupid inane idea putting armed guards into kids’s schools… Oh never mind – I missed that she’s a Democrat
<cricket, cricket, cricket>
Oh wait! A Republican did!