Sticks and stones?

Via the Washington Examiner (Philip Klein): Mr. Obama repeatedly lost patience with the speaker as negotiations faltered. In an Oval Office meeting last week, he told Mr. Boehner that if the sides didn’t reach agreement, he would use his inaugural address and his State of the Union speech to tell the country the Republicans were … Read more

Now if this was a Republican saying this…Part II


Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) announced Wednesday that she is planning to introduce two bills to protect students at schools – the school safety enhancement act, which expands the existing COPS program (Community Oriented Policing Services), and SOS or Save Our Students, which would expand the National Guard program.

SOS “would expand a successful National Guard program in place since 1989 that allows governors to use the guard to assist with law enforcement efforts related to drug interdiction and counter-drug activities. So we take a successful program, and we say we’re gonna add a new purpose, and that’s what we do in our legislation,” she said.

“National Guard troops could be used to support local law enforcement agencies in protecting our children at schools. This could take the form of additional guards at school as well as capital improvements such as strengthening the perimeters of the school and safety procedures,” Boxer added.

…“Right now, the program is a 50-50 match. My bill allows the Justice Department to reduce the local sheriff to just 20 percent for those schools who make the case for more generous federal cost-share,” Boxer said.

And the media and Lefty groups went wild over such a stupid inane idea putting armed guards into kids’s schools…  Oh never mind – I missed that she’s a Democrat

<cricket, cricket, cricket>

Oh wait!  A Republican did!

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That’s How I Was Raised…

Trained to live in a police state
Trained to live in a police state

I was wandering through a retail store yesterday when I happened through the baby section.  There was what the folks in manufacturing call a bottleneck–where things being what they are create a pinch point that slows or stops progress.  In this instance the “things” were people, with carriages (sleighs?) loaded down with goodies, placed at angles in the aisle to optimize the stoppage of movement in both directions, while they chatted with animated voices and nonthreatening hand gestures.

No threatening hand gestures from the other shoppers who were being inconvenienced but that may have come later.  I had no “sleigh” so I scooted around through children’s where I happened upon the cribs and baby monitors and that was when it occurred to me.

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Why the Portsmouth Herald sucks

There are media outlets and media outlets. But some are just so filled with idiotic hatred that they descend into ugly parody.  The Portsmouth Herald qualifies. Two days ago…

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“Are you guys incompetent, or what?”

I hardly ever watch anything on CNBC – although after this, perhaps I should watch MarisaBartiromo more often.  After all, how cool is that for a media person to call a sitting US Senator incompetent to his face on national TV (all ratings aside, it STILL is a national TV show)?  Them be words that … Read more

No Such Thing as Voter Fraud – Except In These Places…Committed by Democrats.

Oh, so THAT’s what they look like!

Found this over at Ace and thought it would prove an excellent resource for our friends at various of the MSM as they strive for accuracy and balance in the ongoing ‘conversation’:  

NH House Democrat Christmas List


Marko Kloos: The Gun “Is” Civilization

perspective…presently needed…alas, I repost this magnificent piece by Marko Kloos.

Marko Kloos wrote this piece in March of 2007. It is worth sharing over and over. Please enjoy….

“Why The Gun Is Civilization” author, Marko Kloos

Human beings only have two ways to deal with one another: reason and force. If you want me to do something for you, you have a choice of either convincing me via argument, or force me to do your bidding under threat of force. Every human interaction falls into one of those two categories, without exception. Reason or force, that’s it.

In a truly moral and civilized society, people exclusively interact through persuasion. Force has no place as a valid method of social interaction, and the only thing that removes force from the menu is the personal firearm, as paradoxical as it may sound to some.

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And we wonder why we have $16 Trillion in debt to give to our kids…

The Feds have that Crack Money and local government just HAVE to get it. How many   Spend in the moment and justify to yourself – Nashua is doing it:

According to Lozeau, up to 60 percent of the funding used to operate the Nashua Transit System is federal money. Furthermore, the nearly $140,000 for the software upgrades will be paid with a federal grant leftover from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds, she said.

If we don’t use it, some other community will,” Alderman-at-Large Barbara Pressly said of the stimulus money, adding she is very supportive of the project.

One has to wonder as ALL Fed money comes with strings attached; not one word as to what Nashua is on the stick for?  What are the long term costs that Nashua taxpayers will be on the hook  now that the money has been taken?  What are the legal ramifications if Nashua finds out “this ain’t workin’ as advertised”?  And anytime one puts money into government, does it evah gets smaller?  And what is the individual passenger mile cost of this system anyways?  What would be cheaper: running this or giving out vouchers for the private taxis in town?  Hard questions unasked.

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“Don’t let people who already have them keep them” – here comes the slippery slope

I quoted Chuck here in this post:

In the current state of play, moderate gun owners have become convinced by the NRA and other, even more radical gun organizations such as Gun Owners of America that the goal of all gun-safety advocates is to take away their guns. These owners view even the most reasonable gun-safety proposals with suspicion, fearing a slippery slope to a ban on firearms. This paranoia is what gives the gun lobby its power.

Well, looks like there ARE people, possessing sufficient power, to try grease that slippery slope.  Oh sure, there will be tender words from the Left of compromise and “no, we won’t take your guns away”.  However, their level of compromise, in taking advantage of this emotional crisis, will be this; if 100 is where we are now, and 0 is absolute confiscation, I have no doubt they believe that a 12 will be a “good compromise”.  Why do I think so?  Here’s just a few; I am convinced that more will come flocking out, especially as they see political opportunity to quickly move a Progressive goal of effectively disarming the populace, especially the red states.

  • US Rep Ron Barber (D-Ariz): I want to see legislation enacted that takes away the availability of these kinds of weapons that can do so much harm in such a short period of time
  • Judge Larry Burns: To guarantee that there would never be another Tucson or Sandy Hook, we would probably have to make it a capital offense to so much as look at a gun….Ban the manufacture, importation, sale, transfer and possession of both assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. Don’t let people who already have them keep them. Don’t let ones that have already been manufactured stay on the market.
  • NYC Mayor Bloomberg: he would go farther than the 1994 ban and outlaw all automatic and semi-automatic weapons and high-capacity magazines. The mayor said magazines shouldn’t be allowed to contain more than five or even three rounds.
And then NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo actually came out and made it quite plain what the end game may well be – a ‘0’:
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo (D-N.Y.) said Thursday that all options, including confiscation and “mandatory sales to the state,” would be on the table next month when the New York State Legislature debates new gun control measures. The comments were specifically aimed at what might happen should stricter rules be imposed on “assault” weapons and high-capacity magazines.
Audio here:

A Progressive Fairy Tale: When The Police State Fails – Punish Local Business Owner

Guy has small business.  Guy Succeeds and manages to keep his business open in a rough neighborhood for decades even though police State can’t control crime in local area.  Police State doesn’t like his customer base.  Police State blames business owner for crime they can’t contain.  (He didn’t build the business right? but he must … Read more

Unedited Union Attack Video

Steven Crowder answers the question of pretext to the union violence in Michigan with this unedited video and asks, why are their no union protesters video taping the goings-on while the Right to Work folks have multipe cameras recording activists on both sides. Maybe this is why?   Hot Air

An indictment of America’s political class

Bill Whittle speaking on America’s current political leadership: “The stockpile of wealth that it has taken over 200 years to accumulate has been spent. The miserable, unserious, criminally negligent, incompetent, immoral, reprehensible, traitorous, swine have spent every last gold coin in America’s former mountain of wealth. And they haven’t stopped.” From Afterburner. Well. Worth. Watching.

The National Rifle Association Speaks

National Rifle Association Executive Vice-President Wayne LaPierre speaks Friday.

Editorial note: This speech is the full text of the speech given on Friday By NRA Executive Vice-President Wayne LaPierre.  I am a member and Supporter of the NRA.


The National Rifle Association’s 4 million mothers, fathers, sons and daughters join the nation in horror, outrage, grief and earnest prayer for the families of Newtown, Connecticut … who suffered such incomprehensible loss as a result of this unspeakable crime.

Out of respect for those grieving families, and until the facts

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Today’s Steyn – A Must Read

I usually don’t simply cite an article to read without offering something to say on my own. However, today, anything that I would offer would be superfluous. Steyn, brilliant as ever. The Massacre of the Innocents  

Slippery Slope – Part II

This post mentioned that NY Governor Andrew Cuomo was in favor of legislation, if it were to come to him,  that contained verbiage that would allow the State to confiscate peoples’ guns.  Or, if you want to put lipstick on a pig, require gun owners to sell their to the State.

Well, that same thinking has now hit the Federal level – US Senator Diane Feinstein has now slipped down the slope from just from restricting > 10 round  magazines  to making gun ownership much more regulated and a hassle to a Federal buyback program.  From a Presser she held yesterday (starting at 12:22):

Question: When you talk about the state of the art and the weaponry out there, I believe that your bill does not call for any confiscation of weapons that have already out there.  So, other than stopping people from buying new ones, if there’s already too much access to these weapons as you say, what would be effective?

That’s a good question and I thank you for it. What we are looking at now is placing these weapons under the Federal Firearms Act.  The same act that exists for automatic weapons since there are now devices to make them legally automatic.  It seems to me that it is prudent to palce them under the Federal Firearms Act and this would require that they be registered, the owners have a background check. it is inconceivable after what the NRA said to me today that they don’t think that people who have guns should have background checks or that they should be registered.

We are also looking at a buyback program.  Now, again, this is a work in progress so these are ideas in the development.

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Yeah, Obama is REALLY protecting the kiddies, isn’t he?

  Who else, in his mind, is better qualified to spend their future now then he? (H/T: Mac)

Obama – the nation’s best gun seller

Well, it certainly didn’t take long for this running joke to become rather serious once Obama said that he will start playing politics with gun control (gun “safety” has nothing to do with it!) and that was like lighting the Christmas Tree at the start line of a dragway for gun haters everywhere.  We here at the ‘Grok have been blogging about this almost non-stop.  Yes, at the top level this may be about guns and certainly that word, and associated words, have filled our posts.  Yet the deeper levels, this has nothing to do about guns – and the political Progressives know it well.  At the bedrock level, this is about trust and control by politicians, and guilt, innocence and Freedom of the Individual.  Frankly, we see that Politicians, especially on the Left, are acting on pure emotion as individuals instead of sober minded, thinking policy makers that know better than to create public policy based on outlier events (for while being horrific events, and tragic events, these mass killings are certainly outweighed by the massive number of deaths of innocent babes in the womb by State sponsored / paid for abortions).

But that doesn’t come up as it spoils the narrative; they decry the death by the gun but not by the abortionists speculum, vacuum or chemical agents.

But back to the premise of the Title: two very recent posts have proven that Americans are in disagreement with the Freedom-crushers (as opposed to calling them mere-gun grabbers).  I also went to a local gun store this morning and range to get a feel for what is actually happening locally – and was surprised by what I heard.

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Cause and Effect

If exposure to violence in movies or video games is a catalyst for youth violence, is exposure to welfare and other government handouts a catalyst to generational dependency? The answer to the former is that exposure to the latter is more likely to result in youth violence as they look for the only ways left … Read more

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