Why Conservatives Suck – but not for the reasons Liberals (or most Conservatives) think


Yes, we can suck. Especially in the eyes of Liberals as demonstrated  on Steve’s post (“Men Have No Say? Then Why Make Them Pay?“) as a liberal / progressive commentator ( who went by the handle of Painted Trollop, so you know where this is going) left a few bon mots for us (This is what passes for top-notch Progressive debate rhetoric? ):

  • “the lot of you should have vasectomies”
  • “What a load of racist crap”
  • “your own phony Christian morality”
  • “you’d force women to become involuntary incubators”
  • “you just hate women”
  • “it’s how you control and oppress women”
  • “Plenty of heterosexual men hate women. You’re one of them”
  • “You mean your hubby and Fox news tell you what to say”

Why did we endure this vitriol?  Well, Steve was pointing out, in this case, how Feminism has distorted the biological act with politics and corrupting the financial side of things.  This is what happens when a special interest group uses Government to achieve its aims and establishing its own mandate of “social norming” on general society.

Too often, it is not that our ideas and principles suck, it is that Conservatives suck at messaging.  How, as this shows, do you compete with Liberals’  “hey, go with us and look at ALL the free stuff we can give you?”  And all the while, we have been conditioned to “and what does that actually cost?” either in some strings attached or shluffing that cost onto someone else (in effect, stealing from that person).  Why is it that we frown on individual theft but seem to readily accept it when Government does it?

You know who else thinks we suck?  The inimitable Bill Whittle:



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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