Things to Remember About Barack Obama

Bill Whittle helps us remember the awesomeness that is….Barack Obama.


H/T Hot Air

1001 Reasons to Vote against Obama – the first 100….are on the jump. (follow the link for all of them….so far.)

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Bill Whittle on Obamacare: “One For The Team”

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”  —Thomas Jefferson Bill Whittle give us his perspective on the recent Supreme Court decision on Obamacare. In the wake of the decision, it serves us well to listen to a true American Patriot Like Bill…enjoy. H/T

Why Conservatives Suck – but not for the reasons Liberals (or most Conservatives) think

Yes, we can suck. Especially in the eyes of Liberals as demonstrated  on Steve’s post (“Men Have No Say? Then Why Make Them Pay?“) as a liberal / progressive commentator ( who went by the handle of Painted Trollop, so you know where this is going) left a few bon mots for us (This is … Read more

What We Beleive – Immigration

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