Bill Whittle: A Defense of Civilizations

A non-wordy, non-meme post.  Somewhat linky.  This is a one-hour, 44 minute video by Bill Whittle; wide ranging.  Essential.  Each time I watch it I have a deeper understanding of what he’s saying and the grave danger we’re in as a country and civilization.  But before you watch it, consider this:

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An Open Letter to Neil Oliver and Glenn Beck


I watched – and rewatched – your hour-plus discussion ranging from shoes, ships, and sealing wax to cabbages and kings.  It was, to put it mildly, a sheer delight.

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biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Meme Overflow

As promised in the last Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  Almost certain about a Friday Overflow-Overflow.  We’ll see.

Now, let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:

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The Danger of Knowledge

Some years ago, as an intellectual exercise, some friends and I were talking about what we thought was the single biggest advance in human history.

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We Trusted the Science - notice j

CARTOON: We Trusted the Science

I am not quite ready to come out of my hiatus hole with essays, but I had a cartoon concept that was so hard-hitting, with IMHO so much gut-punch impact, I have to get it out for viewing and – hopefully – dissemination.

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Quick Takes – Hat Trick

Within I pick three topics upon which to discourse, but not worth a full-length examination as a standalone piece on their own.  But first, reprising an older cartoon (for shameless self-promotion!):

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Quick Takes – Hat Trick

Within I pick three topics upon which to discourse, but not worth a full-length examination as a standalone piece on their own.

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A Short 9-11 Reminiscence

I was unemployed at the time of 9-11.  I was home, working on job applications when I got a call from Satan’s Favorite Daughter, i.e., my first wife (no, I’m not bitter, why do you ask?).  She told me to go look at the news.

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If you can keep it

The Left’s Burning Desire for Revenge

Every. Damned. Word.  E.g.: “In other words, are you out of your ever-loving little minds? These people STOLE two elections – it’s now absolutely obvious the nominal right is fine with this. They hope for crumbs from their masters’ tables.”

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Democracy v. Capitalism – Bill Whittle Has the Answer You’ve Been Looking For…

The internet is huge. Really huge. So incredibly huge…never mind, I’ll get to the point. You can’t see everything that’s out there so when we find something exceptional, we like to share. This is one of those times. Bill Whittle is tremendous, but this clip about Capitalism makes him more exceptional.

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When your head smells like dead fish….

If you’re looking for political commentary, this ain’t it. I’ve just been ruminating today. It started when I was jogging and working out….

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Front page headline in today’s Wall Street Journal: “Senate in Deal on Gun Checks”

And here the Virtual President addresses a joint session of Congress on the subject:

Bill Whittle schools our President in what should be said at SOTUS on Second Amendment

Getting down to brass tacks, this one.  Bill Whittle has outdone himself yet again.

An indictment of America’s political class

Bill Whittle speaking on America’s current political leadership: “The stockpile of wealth that it has taken over 200 years to accumulate has been spent. The miserable, unserious, criminally negligent, incompetent, immoral, reprehensible, traitorous, swine have spent every last gold coin in America’s former mountain of wealth. And they haven’t stopped.” From Afterburner. Well. Worth. Watching.

Facebook Doodlings – So, Greg Carson, Secretary of the NH GOP is demanding “unity” – An interlude with Bill Whittle

I have to admit – Facebook has nothing to do with this post – but the topic of this post does have much with the philosophy of that Part I post.  That said, let me allow Gntp NH from that FB thread set the stage for this absolutely spot on calling out of the Republican … Read more

Do we fight cannibalism? Or let it triumph?

Firewall- Bill Whittle Tackles Voting For Third Party Candidates…in this Election.

We’ve been saying this all along but it’s nice of Bill Whittle to help us out.

Conservatism Is Calling

Another OUTSTANDING work by the venerable Bill Whittle

Bill Whittle on, “You Didn’t Build That”

Things to Remember About Barack Obama

Bill Whittle helps us remember the awesomeness that is….Barack Obama.


H/T Hot Air

1001 Reasons to Vote against Obama – the first 100….are on the jump. (follow the link for all of them….so far.)

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