I really had to shake my head over this, I really can’t believe that Hillary Clinton actually said this:
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Tuesday accused the Syrian regime of a “divide-and-conquer strategy” aimed at setting the country’s religious and ethnic groups against each other.
Really? The leading Democrat women in the nation actually said that, when it has been Democrat policy to start up with identity politics which, by definition, is pitting one group against another. They “cull the heard”, gin up a grievance, and then ride that to the ballot box. Sure, they sweeten it along with way with special exemptions, special policies, special positions, and often, special tax priviliges and “protected class” status. And have been getting away with this for years, slicing and dicing. Sure, it is great fun to watch when these special interest groups collide (like the rich 1% environmentalist vs the blue collar unions over the Keystone XL pipeline). Right now, we see the OWS “99%” set against, well, pretty much everyone else But it is always using the victim card: “you guys aren’t making it because of this other group oppressing you” along with the subtle inference that goes with it of “and you cannot make it without us”.
It is a message of hopelessness. It is a message of dependency. On a Party’s and Government’s handouts and breadcrumbs.
It must be demoralizing to truly believe that you cannot believe in yourself.
that’s the message of the Left and of the Democrat Party – the collectivist of “you’re nothing without us”.