Hillary Speaks the Truth?

Believe it or not, readers, Hillary’s mouth has actually spoken the truth to us, the American people (I bet that has a bitter taste for her?). According to Hillary pro Palestinian protestors here on American collage campuses and streets are ignorant of the history between Israel and Islam.

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Hillary Clinton video screen grab

No Shortage Of Gas With Hillary Clinton

Scanning the networks on Monday night to see what topics were getting attention, I was unlucky enough to catch Rachel Maddow and Hillary Clinton on MSNBC sharing a good chuckle about Trump’s fourth indictment. If there were two more repulsive women in politics today, they would also be on MSNBC or CNN.

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Deplorable and proud Mug

Hillary And Schiff Insult Republicans, Again

Hillary Clinton has massive cajones, and nobody should ever put a microphone in front of this woman. Not only has she insulted half of the country again, but she obviously is oblivious to the seriousness of the crimes she has committed and escaped accountability.

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Mara-A-Lago Raid

The pillage and rape of President Trump’s Mara-A-Lago home was orchestrated by the “Vindictive Deep State” of the awful Attorney General Merrick Garland, the FBI (Fascist Bureau of Investigation), the DOJ Department of Injustice) and “Demented Joe” will have unintended consequences for the Demolitioncrats. The law of unintended consequences is beautiful karma. President Trump can … Read more

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What’s With This Foolish Divisiveness? It Should Stop!

Wanna know who is the problem? WE ARE THE PROBLEM. Moments ago, I saw a headline from Brighteon “Media Flips and Blames Trump for Vaccine Injuries.” I just know the next focus of interest articles will be an analysis of who could have done this did this awful thing (the blaming of Trump).

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House fire Photo by Dave Hoefler on Unsplash

Doesn’t Go Your Way, Tear it Down

It is almost comical to watch Liberals react to situations when they do not go their way. Mind you, the Democrats are the party with an issue and want to crucify Donald Trump for not wanting to acknowledge defeat to Biden in 2020. The Democrats are also the Party of Hillary Clinton and Stacy Abrahms, who have yet to recognize their losses in 2020.

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