The above quote is from a post over at The Corner of NJ Governor Chris Christie. Very much in line with what Gov. Rick Perry of Texas has said:
“My goal is to make Washington as inconsequential to your daily life as possible.
People DON’T want to think about politics all the time. For most people, it is a waste of time as they deal with their jobs, their spouses. They have reality based lives to lead, actual families to take care of, jobs to perform in. Hobbies, past times, and causes other than politics to care about and in which to get involved.
Problem is, Progressives are convinced that it IS their job to hijack (word specifically chosen) Government so as to then be able to “shape” our lives so that “we will be better”.
They believe that they they have the mission (and therefore, the right) to channel our best choices for us. They are full of hubris in that they believe “well, of course our ideas are what are best for society” and really believe that it is the God-given mission to mandate your choices of living. Thus, they have intentionally pushed politics into all areas of both public and private areas of society. They have given us no choice but to ALWAYS have to think about politics and those that drive it even further into our lives.
We can “credit” Obama for setting in motion, via his picks for Czars and for his leadership in policy matters, WHY we have to pay attention to how he does his job. Or that of his minions who have taken their ideology to heart and put it on steriods. It has been breathtaking the speed at which the Administrative State has declared it’s supremacy over the individual.
Sure, we have an ideology at the ‘Grok: that you should be the one to be making the choices for yourself instead of the Government hacks.
Remember: the Larger the Government, the smaller the citizen.