The Concord Monitor is reporting that Portsmouth businesswoman Joanne Dowdell intends to challenge former Congresspersonista Carol SEIU-Porter for a shot at Frank Guinta in 2012.
She characterized her political outlook as similar to that of Shea-Porter, saying it would be up to voters to discern the differences.
"I think you would find that ideologically we’re both progressive Democrats," she said. "This is democracy, from my point of view. This is the process in action, and that will be for voters to decide."
CSP 2.0.1?
And she says some very amusing things like…
"Washington politicians have been making life harder for families here in New Hampshire and throughout the country,"
We noticed that and responded in November 2010, but being a Democrat Committeewoman at large, and as a major Obama-Zombie, does CSP 2.0.1 want us to believe she had no idea that her party did that on purpose?
Dowdell said she was not ready to commit to specific policy positions but intends to speak extensively with residents of the district to learn about their concerns.
"I’ll know better when I get out and talk to them and listen to what they have to say," she said.
Maybe we’ll get the "I am a blank canvass" shtick? I am what people make me out to be. Sure but all the roads still lead to top-down, state-controlled, central planning.
For those unfamiliar, the left-wing-salad bar-policy-buffet is a progressive core-value; until she’s told what talking points to use to advance the current set of feelings about the next best path to socialism, by someone above her pay grade, she won’t have the slightest idea what to tell you she believes. But we already know. She says she is just like Carol. That makes her a Marxist pawn of the party leadership.
So the next question is, is this a real challenge or is there some other game afoot? Is Dowdell meant to play extremist so CSP looks dull and moderate by comparison? Or can we expect some kind of massive, left wing cat-fight? And what will all of Carol’s doting fans do? (They do love her so.)
I can’t wait to watch and find out.
CSP 2.01’s (Dowdell’s campaign donor records