Prayer at First Constitutional Congress Rev Peter-Michael Preble

Night Cap: A Supreme Sore Thumb

When it’s so obvious that the “average Joe” questions “how can this be,” it really must be a humdinger! Consider our right to freely worship from the following, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” Compare this clearly defined restriction to the Court’s 1947 Everson v. Board of Education ruling; “The First Amendment has erected ‘a wall of separation’ between church and state.

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Laptop typing student

Is Congress About To Destroy The Internet?

Is this the end of Section 230, a law that shields tech companies from liability for the third-party content they host? Will the sky fall without 230? Recently, the House Energy and Commerce Committee proposed a bipartisan bill that would sunset Section 230 at the end of 2025: “Our bill gives Big Tech a choice: Work with … Read more

Holly Novelesky Running for Congress

I have been saying I need to get involved, but I hate leaving the house and have said when an event is local, I will attempt to go. Moms for America had an event at Harley Jacks in Ossipee, and I did not get the gumption to go.

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WHO World Health Organization

HR79 WHO Withdrawal Act

By tabling HB 1156, the New Hampshire state legislature has been derelict in its constitutional duty to nullify the globalist control of the WHO/CDC from controlling our healthcare decisions. Congressman Andy Biggs (R – AZ) bill H.R. 79, the WHO Withdrawal ACT is now the only opposition to the clear and present danger of the global pandemic treaty.

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USS Raleigh Burning NH State Flag

Who is Running This Ship?

Two years ago, NH Conservatives had an ideal opportunity to win the two House seats now held by Democrats Annie Kuster and Chris Pappas. We put up Bob Burns and Caroline Leavitt.

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HUnter Biden - Image Credit Marco Polo

I Feel Dirty Watching These Two

Whenever I see and listen to Jamie Raskin (D-DE), I feel the need to wash my hands or shower. Raskin is a prototypical slimy politician who can pontificate on any subject and never tell the truth about any of it. He rose to prominence as part of the team that schemed to impeach Donald Trump and never let the facts or truth get in the way of his version. I think Raskin believes if he talks long enough, his listeners will not even remember the question, let alone the accuracy of Raskin’s answer.

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Lily Tang Williams

Something Good

Well, Happy New Year to all, and now that we are officially in 2024, I’m turning my attention to election-year politics (as if it’s not always really). So I welcomed a call from Lily Tang Williams, who ran in a bid to face Annie Kuster two years ago and intends to run for another chance to displace “rubber stamp” Annie.

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Tank war

Congress’ ‘Gift’ to America This Christmas

Just before leaving town for Christmas break, the US House gave Americans a last-minute holiday gift: a nearly trillion-dollar military spending bill filled with lots of goodies for the special interests and the military-industrial complex. Unfortunately, the rest of America got nothing but coal in its stockings.

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Suzanne Harp May Be Just the Congresswoman Texas Needs

Texas needs more good leaders, and Suzanne Harp, a sixth-generation Texan on her mother’s side, emerges as a compelling figure, vying for a seat in the United States Congress for Texas’s 3rd District, which is encompasses suburbs north and northeast of Dallas, including the cities of McKinney and Allen. Her father, an immigrant from Athens, Greece, taught … Read more

“A Modest Proposal”

Every time Congress decides to “debate” whether or not to give themselves a raise, they try to do it in secret because it’s a very unpopular move, for obvious reasons.

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What Is Congress Doing on the Budget?

When Congress comes back from recess, it will talk about money.  DC is going to take up funding the federal government before the October 1st deadline.  Let’s be clear: there is no spending fight that’s going to happen.  Both sides want as much spending as they think will play well on the campaign trail.

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Is Impeachment The Light We Need

The last thing I would like to see come to fruition is the impeachment of President Joe Biden, not because I support the President, nothing could be further from the truth. Joe Biden is the most corrupt politician of my lifetime, but the thought of President Harris sitting behind the resolute desk laughing her way through the brief of the nuclear codes?

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