Thesis Question: What unites the Democrat political Left with the violent Jihadi Muslims?
Thesis Conclusion: It’s clearly not religious compatibility or shared opinion about homosexuals or women’s rights. Still they support one another here in the U.S. and even moreso in Western Europe. It’s more a sharing of Taqiyya and their shared desire to bring down Western democracy, Capitalism and Judeo-Christian culture and faith.
Answer is: They both have a hatred of authentic democracy, of Judaism and Christianity and of individual liberty over one’s life because both are hyper-authoritarian. But, most interestingly, what binds them together apart from the reasons above is their love of the use of the same political tactic, which in Islam is called Taqiyya. Leftists would regulate all human activity through a Leviathan state which takes and gives rights based on the whims of a centralized politburo elite, whereas Islam does the same through a politburo of Mullahs and Ayatollahs who interpret Islam in lieu of Das Kapital.
As we’ve seen in this election cycle and in many other recent U.S. elections, the Democrats dissemble and use public deceit to hide their past votes, and true future intentions which they put forth only after they’ve won election and don’t fear another day of accountability for some time. They never run as proud Liberals, Progressives and Socialists. They saw what happened when Michael Dukakis tried that holding up his ACLU member card. They are anti-free-market, collectivist, kleptocrats and secular-atheist tyrants, only different from Castro, Kim Jong Il, Stalin and Mao in degree and tactics which are much more in line with the Muslim Jihadists and Chinese Communists who believe they will conquer in the long-run, but are willing to take an incrementalist approach.
Like the Chi-Coms
… they’ll continue to use the wealth generated by capitalism for confiscation to then dole out to their political allies, the unions, which will recycle the money earned by their enemies back to their party. But wisely, this strategy remains incrementalist, so as not to kill the golden goose (American Capitalism) as their less-enlightened and more impatient comrades, The Korean monarchy, Castro, Chavez and Mugabe have foolishly done in recent times. Theirs is the Chi-Com strategy first adopted by Deng Xaoping. This incrementalist Communism strategy has been admitted to in private communications by numerous people in the Obama Administration and the Democrat Party at large. I’ve heard the audio and seen some of the videos. It all comes from Saul Alinsky and Deng and is now beginning to be employed by the Casto brothers in Cuba.
The Taqiyya tactic used by Islamists is best seen in the NYC Mosque Imam Ruf and Yasser Arafat and others who portray themselves as diplomatic, and peace-lovers in audiences with Christian Westerners, while preaching jihad and their fidelity to conquest of the West to their own Muslim brethren in Arabic. Obama most successfully employed Taquiyya in his 2008 election campaign in all that he said which was in complete conflict with his votes in the Senate, his history with Chicago radicals and his subsequent policy choices as President. Blue-dog Dems do this same dance every election cycle and then vote 98% of the time once elected with Pelosi, Boxer and the other Commies. They run as pseudo-conservatives in every election cycle, only to promote European-style, bankruptcy-inducing policies and kickback budgets to the SEIU and NEA that only serve their grip on power and tax-money while pushing the nation further and further toward insolvency and economic collapse.
They know, like the jihadis know, like the Bolsheviks knew as Lenin often said, it is controlled chaos inspired by economic fear which opens the door for revolutionary demagogues who can command a mob, whether of suicidal jihadis or hyper-envious unemployed slackers who both want power and money the easy way, i.e. taken from others and distributed to them by an oligarchy. Obama is seeking either economic chaos which will serve his purpose or a reduction in unemployment which will also aid his cause of being reelected. His dilemma is that his Socialist policies will not likely allow the latter scenario to occur, so he has to choose: either improve the economy by Clintonian subtefuge and adopting of conservative economic policy of reduced spending and taxes, or go the "Full Monty" and seek to land on top by commanding the chaos his preferred policies will inevitably create. Hitler chose the latter using the German Workers’ Party after the Treaty of Versailles and the Weimar dissemblers created the economic conditions for him to do so. This is the Alinsky/Obama preferred strategy, but it’s likely too radical for the American polity to stomach long enough to avoid a major electoral defeat. They’ll use the bureaucracy, like Health and Human Services, the EPA and others however to accomplish much of the agenda outside the legislative process and outside of constitutional requirements. This is what Obama meant recently when slumming on Jon Stewart’s comedy show when he said, "We have done things that people don’t even know about." Obama knows that the permanent bureaucracy can accomplish so much illegally for the cause by bypassing the political give and take of the legislative process. Constitutionality be damned.
Taqiyya is the tactic both Demorats and Islamists use again and again to protect them from the reasonable center-right or peace-preferring masses from knowing the truth of who they are and what their ulterior motives are. Countless examples could be put forth, including how the Democrats are running in this cycle against Obamacare and Pelosi, even when they voted for both. Tom Perriello in Virginia is the quintessential example. He voted for Cap and Tax and abortion-funding Obamacare yet is running commercials portraying him as if he were more Christian and pro-life than Billy Graham and more fiscally conservative than Ronald Reagan. It is truly a thing to behold and makes the term liar, faker and hypocrite seem woefully inadequate as adjectives. In fact it’s like watching the spokesman for "peaceful Islam" pretending that the Quran doesn’t command good Muslims to convert or kill infidels, that they really don’t want Sha’ria in the U.S., or that the Mosque at Ground Zero named after the Cordoba Mosque in Spain which was erected over a Christian cathedral isn’t really a triumphal trophy set over the bones of the defeated infidel and Great Satan, to quote Khomeini. We know the truth however when influential cradle Jihadists convert to Christianity and admit that all their diplomacy is but a ruse to ensnare the Neville Chamberlain types in the West and they say things such as: "
There are moderate Muslims, but there is No moderate Islam."
The case of Commies and Islamists coming together is somewhat analogous to the case of Churchill and Stalin allying themselves to beat the Germans. Stalin hated Churchill and Churchill knew Stalin’s evil, but they both suspended hostilities to defeat the greater threat. Because the enemy of my enemy can aid me in defeating my enemy. The idiocy of the Left, among others, is that their triumph, if it were to occur, would be very short-lived as we’re seeing in Europe if it also includes the triumph of their current ally, the Muslims, and it’s the logic of the fool who feeds his neighbors to the crocodile hoping that as the last to be eaten he will somehow be spared. But because of the Left’s support of almost all things hated by the Jihadis, he would be the first to lose his head or be stoned to death in a world controlled by Sha’ria.
Liberty-loving, capitalist Christians and Jews must learn to recognize this nexus, its origins, its ulterior motives and see through its Taquiyya tactics if we are to salvage Western Christendom which protects personal and economic liberty in the United States and all the countries of the West. It’s an incrementalist strategy they’re using that will lay in wait until their combined numbers form a permanent majority. Then they will set up first a Secularist, Socialist government and society that will stomp on personal liberty, the perogatives of the nuclear family and small businessman and will cow-tow and placate an ever-more-belligerant and demanding balkanized Islam within the West. But when the Islamist numbers are a strong enough minority as to be violently threatening (as they are in Europe now), then all bets are off, and the Commies and their useful idiots the unions, (like in Europe now) will have to choose to either throw their lot in with the Conservative Capitalists who are their long-time political enemies or side with the Islamists who will behead them at the first opportunity. Let’s defeat them both now and avoid this future scenario altogether.