A Rose By Any Other Name…

This may sound like a strange observation but I think we can narrow down the field of potential Romney VP candidates based on how well their name sounds after “Romney.”  (I am amused by the notion that this might matter.)   Romney-Christie, for example, does not roll off the tongue the way “Romney-Ryan” would.   And let’s face it, Obama- Biden may one day be a slang term for economic destruction (if it is not already), but it rolls off the tongue as if it were a beautifully constructed expletive.

Drops hot Tuna casserole…”Obamabiden!”

I think Ryan, Rice, Haley, Paul, and Jindal, all work reasonably well with ‘Romney.’  Mc Donnell might do, though the sound of it following “Romney” makes me think of Ronald McDonald so maybe not.  Then there is Marco Rubio.

Romeny-Rubio sounds a bit like the newest family-fun game from Parker Brothers, but it doesn’t just sound better than “Romney-Portman,” or “Romney-Pawlenty,” both of which would ‘taste’ like the old moderate-establishment crap-sandwich the TEA Party and conservative-Republicans are desperately hoping to avoid, it links the new generation of conservatives with the older statesman been-around-a-while Republicans like Romney.

If I had to choose (aural fixations aside) I’d start with Rand Paul, then Rubio, then Ryan.  After that, with the possible exception of Jindal, I believe it is a distinction without a difference politically and aurally.


Note to RP junkies who will undoubtedly tell me I should still be chasing the Ron Paul Rainbow, with all due respect, Dr. Paul is not going to be president in 2012 nor VP (though I have no serious objection to him as either)….but that does not mean I do not want him or his influence to direct the GOP in directions it still needs to go.  I’m still rooting for him to be Secretary of Treasury or to run the FED…at least for a little while…until there was little or nothing to run of course.

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