Franklin NH – The Most Expensive Voter Checklists in the State?

I just got confirmation that the clerk for Franklin New Hampshire requires not just $75.00 for the complete citywide voter checklist used for the election, but another $75.00 for the updated checklist after all the new names have been added. My udder is sore just thinking about it.  Is this where I say that having … Read more

Egypt’s New Boss Same as the Old Boss…with a Side of Arab Winter?

Morsi declares himself new powers Eqyptians light stuff on fire to celebrateOn Thanksgiving the Muslim Brotherhoods Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi (Morsy) declared himself immune to judicial oversight (See also King, Dictator, Tyrant).  In the name of protecting the revolution no judge may overturn, edit, retract, modify, overrule, or otherwise act in any manner to alter any edict the new King of Egypt utters…until the (cough cough) people’s assembly has been elected and a new constitution has been written….

So none of that overturning executive orders nonsense, judges can’t stop them, and  any lawsuits directed at the folks at the top of the power pyramid are hereby vacated.

Some “animals” are again more equal than others.

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Information Intimidation in Franklin NH?

While public document fees are not unreasonable for the purpose of covering the cost of the  materials or labor required to meet a request, at what point do these sums become an obstacle for the average citizen?  When does the sum begin to limit access otherwise protected by law?

In the case of voter checklists the state defines the allowable (optional) fee of $25.00 for the first 2500 names and an additional 0.50 cents per 1000 names after that.  Using this formula a city the city of Nashua would charge less than $40.00 for their voter checklist, a sum that is already beginning to exceed what most people might be willing to part with for public documents, but not unreasonable in most cases where the list is already in electronic form and available with a click of a mouse.

In such circumstances where the documents are going to be converted into electronic form anyway  (like for sharing with the Secretary of State), asking for no more than a few dollars for the entire list would make it accessible to anyone at any income level.   Some towns already acknowledge this need for accessibility and provide access to their entire voter checklist for free, even providing a link online that is updated when the list is.

So why would the city of Franklin, New Hampshire ask for $75.00 for a copy of their city voter checklist?

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Obama’s New Rules For Golf

Obama Golf czar introduces new rules(I received this in my email this morning.  It’s a bit clunky but you’ll get the point.)

President Obama’s new Golf Czar has announced that Major rule changes in the game of golf will become effective December 1,  2012.

The new rule book, estimated to weigh in at roughly 2716 pages is still being crafted but here are a few initial guidelines to go by.

Golfers  with handicaps:

– Below 10 will have their green fees increased by 35%.
– Between 11 and 18 will see no increase in green fees.
– Above 18 will get a $20 check each time they play.
The term  “gimmie” will be changed to “entitlement” and will be used as follows:

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Seasoned Greetings

The Holidays are upon us.  It’s that special time of year when atheism gets more Constitutional religious freedom than any actual religion, the lefts devotion to separation of church and state does not prevent union government employees from enjoying paid days off for…religious holidays, and we get to remind ourselves that what believing in a power greater than yourself really means is trusting a godless government that fears no power greater than itself to act as our moral compass.

I don’t have to give you examples, the social and economic decline that has paralleled my life (at least) is evident all around us….but I will anyway.

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Are We at Their “Collective” Mercy?

The State Constitution says that you must be domiciled in New Hampshire to vote here.

The legal definition of domicile is your residence.  By law you can only have one of these.

But Judge Lewis allowed the ACLU’s “love the one you are with” definition of domicile to supersede the common law definition.  Anyone can claim to live here to vote without having to so for any other purpose.   Until that is resolved there is nothing ‘technically’ illegal about it; this ruling is, as I have said before, legalizing the theft of elections for the purpose of indefinite one-party rule.

It is, for all intents and purposes, the tyranny of factionalism we were long ago warned about.  It is a sanctioned left wing mob complete with the potential for a perennial lynching at the ballot box.

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A Note On Absentee Ballots and Right to Know

Looking for a public document?  Make sure you know what you have a right to knowNew Hampshire’s Right to know Law, often referred to as 91-a, prohibits state and local officials from hiding ‘public’ documents.  And while some parts of the bureaucratic machine are happy to give you what you request in a timely and even pleasant manner, others who can’t (or don’t want) be bothered by you pesky citizens will toss out responses to your queries that they think will send you packing.

Are they just too busy doing the state’s business to be interrupted by curious taxpayers with troublesome queries?  Are they ignorant of the statutes that define and limit both the kinds of documents to which you are entitled access and the manner in which you may access them?  Will they purposefully mislead to prevent you from seeing public documents?

A little of each, or maybe all of the above, it hardly matters–the end result is the same; they are engaging in information intimidation and breaking the law, most without fear of consequence.

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New Hampshire Democrats Stick With What Doesn’t Work

The New Hampshire Democrat House Majority has chosen their previous Democrat House Sepaker Terie ‘Billion Dollar Deficit‘ Norelli as their new Speaker for the 2013-2014 session.  This is good for lots of reasons. Deficits, spending, taxes, accounting gimmicks, bathroom remodels, bathroom bills, and a dedication to back-benching and marginalizing anyone who does not pull the lever for her far-left agenda.

As a blogger, I couldn’t be happier.  Nothing makes my hobby easier than the likes of Terie Norelli.  I look forward to watching her repeat the same mistakes again.

Of course this time around she doesn’t have a completely compliant Democrat majority Senate to help cover her tracks.  She has a slim and squishy potentialy compliant Republican majority in the Senate, with whom she may have to barter a bit.  How much barter, as well as what the GOP willingly gives up, remains to be seen.

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Wal-Mart Walk Out

PeopleofWalmart_logoI know where I am going to shop on Black Friday.  Wal-Mart.


Because pro-union groups are agitating Wal-Mart employees across the nation to walk-out on Black Friday.  Unions have been trying to ruin Wal-Mart’s price advantage for years, particularity since they got into the grocery business; grocers unions were pissed and still are.

Overall the complaints are the same.  They claim the employer is unfair.  Maybe they are.  But I’ve been an employer.  I’ve run business.  I know what goes down during the application , interview and hiring process.   In past jobs I’ve hired thousands and fired more than a few.  And this relationship can be summed up with this pull quote from this Fox news article.

“If you come into a workplace knowing that’s an agreement you might have to make, then that’s your choice to have that job,” shopper Rae Luce told the station.


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Highway Robbery in Barrington New Hampshire? (Updated & Bumped)

Originally Posted 11/13/2012 (Updated below 11/15/2012)

It looks like the town clerk in Barrington, New Hampshire has a little side business going on the sly.The Barrington town clerk wants $300.00 Dollars for a voter checklist

First, in a town with 5000 plus voters there were 630 new registrations for this year’s election.  That’s in the neighborhood of the 10-12% increase we keep seeing all over the state (to clarify that, a lot of towns saw same day registrations equal to 10% or more of all votes cast on election day).

These 630 new voters piqued the interest of a Barrington resident, who decided that they wanted to get a copy of this public record, but when they asked the Town clerk said it would cost him $300.00.

Like I said, a little side business on the sly?

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The Wizard of Oz – It’s Actually about Serial Killers

Is the Wizard of Oz actually the Halloween equivalent of ‘It’s A Wonderful Life,’ destined to become an October seasonal favorite? Well when you describe it like this, I’d have to say the answer is yes. When can we expect Wizard of Oz II,III, The Return, Back from the Dead, VI, Lives, and Armageddon?

WAR (Updated: Egypt calls for Arab response to attacks on Palestinians)


(Updates are at the end of the original post)

Israel has had enough of the rocket attacks and has approved “Vigorous Action” against the Terrorist infrastructures in the Gaza strip.  They are calling up reserves, and will initiate a ground force invasion if necessary to stop the attacks on their population.  For the time being, air strikes and other surgical attacks will continue against targets in Gaza.

Simultaneously, the government of Israel is also prepared to Annex the West Bank if the Palestinian Authority (PA) continues to violate the Oslo accords by pursuing state hood through the UN without negotiating with Israel.

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The World is NOT Getting Warmer…Mr. President!


Nothing speaks to the cloistered nature of what passes for left wing intelligence like Global Warming.  It is the perfect litmus test.  All you need do is ask and if the respondent sounds like this, you can rest assured that most everything else they know come from the same poisoned well.

What we do know is the temperature around the globe is increasing faster than was predicted even 10 years ago.

This is President Obama, the smartest man in any room, repeating what he thinks he knows to be true.  Unfortunately for the President and those similarly afflicted, not only has the earth not warmed faster than predicted even 10 years ago, it has not warmed at all.

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Oz The Great and Powerful

Having just mentioned The Wizard of Oz here, and a different franchise prequel here, I guess we might as well share this;  It is the Wizard of Oz prequel.  Yes dear readers, there is a prequel.  And it looks half good and then some. The movie is due out next March.  It tells the tale … Read more

Ron Paul’s Farewell Address on the House Floor

It’s over 48 minutes so grab a beverage and a snack.  Good speech.  Compelling questions.  (And yes,  as a matter of fact I do expect Tim to re-post this having not noticed I put it up already.  Dig!) Here’s a meat and potatoes RP quote for you to chew on… “I’ve thought a lot about … Read more

Obama Care is Coming, Obama Care is Coming…

obamacareThere’s a great article at American Thinker about what you should expect with the rising bureaucratic tide that is the Patient Affordable Care Act.  Read it.  Share it with a liberal and watch the veins pop out of their foreheads.  It is a very real world assessment of what we face.

For our purposes here, however, I wanted to post a snippet of the content, in the form of a list of taxes that are coming along side, that you can just heap on top of everything else bad that is in store for us in the coming months and years thanks to Democrats.

What you need to accept, regardless of what the screaming fairness harpies on the left try tell you, is that any and every tax the government imposes on so called big business, or declares as just making sure “they” pay their ‘fair share’ will find its way down to you as higher prices, fewer jobs, less access, or poorer service.   And that’s before the corruption and abuse, the scapegoating, and the very shocking fact that spending trillions a year to give insurance to a few million may allow you to claim they are “covered” but because of all the other factors that come with that, they’ll inevitably end up have to look harder and wait longer for even the most basic care, the quality of which will. inevitably. decline.

The abbreviated list of new taxes is on the jump, some of them related to Obama Care, others are just the product of the negative side effects of Democrat rule, but all of them are coming…soon, and what you need to ask is–what will this do to both health care and a struggling economy?

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The Foundation for New Hampshire Independence

The Union is Dissolved - Civil War era secession has become popular talk of lateThis just tumbled into my in-box and perhaps it is old news now.  It is a press release from a non-profit called the Foundation for New Hampshire Independence.  I don’t currently know much more than we can glean from the press release but they’ve got a web site (here), some press, and it’s run by Neal Conner, a Ron Paul Supporter and I suspect a Free Stater…and it does have a catchy slogan…’First Before, First again.’

Incorporated in September of this year, the Foundation’s motto, “First Before, First Again”, recalls New Hampshire being the first colony to form a government separate from the British. The Foundation seeks to educate citizens on the benefits of a peaceful separation from the United States and the re-establishment of an independent republic founded on the principles set forth in the New Hampshire Constitution.

Not advocating one way or the other just following the story, having noted that secession IS the latest fad …earlier in the week.

The full press release is available on the jump.

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Red Box Review: PROMETHEUS

PrometheusPrometheus is Ridely Scott’s ostentatious pre-boot prequel of the Alien franchise and if you had $1.20 and were not sure whether to buy 0.32 gallons of gas, one-third of a box of cereal, 0.15 pounds of steak, pay full price for a compilation of every Pauly Shore movie ever made (weasel!), or to rent Prometheus…Prometheus is not the worst value for the money.

Actually, the effects are worth the $1.20.  It’s quite beautiful to look at.  But I was never all that invested with the plot or the characters (except for Captain Janek), and while there was nothing wrong with any of the performances I just never got into it.

You want to hear the premise? (Spoiler Alert)

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