Jon Stewart Tackles Benghazi

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Notable Quote: Hugo Chavez

  “If I were American, I’d vote for Obama.” “Obama is a good guy … I think that if Obama was from Barlovento or some Caracas neighborhood, he’d vote for Chavez.” -Hugo Chavez (Venezuela’s Socialist Dictator)

Reality Check: NH Democrat’s Nancy Pelosi Values are not New Hampshire Values

NH Democrats have Nancy Pelosi Values - and they used to be proud of that.

Democrats have tried to lay claim to New Hampshire values but that’s not going to happen.  New Hampshire is about liberty, Live free or Die, local control, small government, and no broad based taxes, just like the TEA party.  Tea Party values are about defending the Constitution and rule of law, small and accountable government, low taxes and free markets.   NH Democrats are keen on painting a different picture, not just because they can’t run on their own records but because the root for their values is too freighting for them to acknowledge…

They have Nancy Pelosi Values.

New Hampshire Democrat values are Nancy Pelosi values, extreme left social and economic values that just two years ago they were actually proud of.   Values that are nothing like New Hampshire values…so what has changed in the past two years?  Nothing.   But they will do or say anything to get back into power.

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Remember, Remember the…6th of November…

Remember Remember the 6th of November The day we sent Obama Packing get to the polls and check off the rolls for liberty and freedom are lacking. OK. It’s a bit rough.  I suspect you can all do better and by all means please do. (Yes, I have absconded Guy Fawkes day+1 and the quote … Read more

Notable Quote: Adam Smith – The Avarice of ‘Princes’

…for in every country of the world, I believe, the avarice and injustice of princes and sovereign states, abusing the confidence of their subjects, have by degrees diminished the real quantity of metal, which had been originally contained in their coins. … By means of those operations, the princes and sovereign states which performed them … Read more

In D+8 CNN Poll -Race Statistically Tied

As Allahpundit points out on Hot Air, 2008 (the banner year for Democrats) was only D+7 and no one expects that kind of turnout this year.  But that does not mean we will not continue to see polling skewed even further to make an Obama victory appear inevitable. The only way Obama can win is … Read more

CNN – What’s with the Selective White House Talking Points?

CNN has come out of the closet on the Benghazi attack – What’s with the selective White House Talking Points? The only conclusion is that the White House tried to cover something up.  Hey CNN.  This isn’t the first or the only thing the Obama Administration is trying to cover up… H/T Hot Air

Stop Lying Mr. President

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie being Chris Christie…on Mr. Obama’s lying about the Romney Tax Plan.

Obama Admin – OK To Break Federal Law, We’ll Pay the Fines For You Yesterday, Lockheed Martin, a massive contractor, announced it had reached a “deal” with the White House and would not send out the legally required layoff notices. The Obama Administration had “interpreted” the law and found it would be “inappropriate” to send out the layoff notices. More amazingly, the White House promised to pay any … Read more

Prediction: Obama Campaign Will Try To…

I was just thinking about this.  We’ve not seen any left wing deployment of the Romney Care strategy.  I think I know why.  They were saving it. Prediction: Obama Campaign Will Try To…use RomneyCare to suppress Republican turnout  for their opponent. Reality: Romney/Ryan will repeal ObamaCare if they can.  I’m not saying they wont ever … Read more

Judge Lewis To Hear Motions to Intervene to His “Dump Domicile Law” Decision

This Thursday, October 4th, at 1:00Pm Judge John Lewis, husband of Democrat donor Cindy Lewis, and the judge who signed off on the ACLU’s “please suspend the domicile rules for the November election so we can stuff ballot boxes with out of state votes for President, governor, and that nasty constitutional amendment that would ban … Read more

Are These Your New Hampshire Values? The Lee Nyquist Edition

Democrat Lee Nyquist is a New Hampshire Democrat running for the State Senate in District 9.    Nyquist has embraced the Democrat state party narrative in which every Democrat from Shea-Porter and McKluster (running for congress), all the way down to every “Democrat running for anything” is running against the TEA Party.

As part of this fiction Nyqusist claims he is for “New Hampshire Values not TEA Party values.”  That’s what the ad says.  But anyone who knows how Democrats govern (and how they governed New Hampshire)  would be right to ask how thier  “Big Government tax and spend Massachusetts Values” could ever be passed off as New Hampshire values?

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Membership Has Its Rewards – Just Ignore The Part That Violates State Law

In what appears to be a “Head them off at the Pass” move by Merrimack School superintendent Marge Chiafery, tonight’s school board meeting includes a visit from…Ted Comstock, the executive director of the NH School Board’s Association (NHSBA), and Barrett Christina, a NHSBA staff attorney to discuss “NHSBA Membership Benefits” This conjugal visit from the … Read more

Republican Leaders Blast Democrat Income Tax Plan

Hey, the economy stinks, New Hampshire is doing better than most but the Obama economy is still grabbing at our legs, so what do you do if you are a New Hampshire Democrat?  Propose an Income tax! (To fund Charter schools!?  Collusion between the Democrats and the State Education board perhaps?)

Contact: (603) 271-3665
October 1, 2012
Republican Leaders Blast Democrat Income Tax Plan
CONCORD – House Majority Leader Pete Silva (R-Nashua) and Deputy Majority Leader and Ways and Means Chairman Stephen Stepanek (R-Amherst) today blasted the newly exposed Democrat income tax plan.  Rep. Peter Sullivan (D-Manchester) filed a bill request (LSR #191) that would establish an income tax in New Hampshire.

Democrat Values Vs. TEA Party Values

The Entire New Hampshire Democrat party is running against the TEA Party.  They claim that they stand for New Hampshire values, not TEA Party values.  Well I can see why Democrats would object to TEA Party values but are they sure they can lay claim to New Hampshire Values?

Tea party originalFor the novices in the audience the TEA Party stood up to object to excessive spending and the taxes that spending would inevitably require.  (If your president spends 5 trillion dollars in just three years and you don’t make a peep in objection, that is a Democrat party value–someone has to pay for that, and it is the middle class and everyone else and suggesting otherwise it a bald-faced lie; another Democrat party value?)  Americans saw that for what it was when it started in 2009 and rose up in opposition.  T.E.A = Taxed Enough Already.

Knowing what we know about New Hampshire Democrats do you really want them speaking for your values?  I don’t think you do.  But here are a few examples of New Hampshire Democrat Values to help you decide.

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Who Actually Pays What Percentage of Federal Taxes (At least one more time)

Notable Quote: Wisconsin State Legislature -1859

Resolved, That the government formed by the Constitution of the United States was not the exclusive or final judge of the extent of the powers delegated to itself; but that, as in all other cases of compact among parties having no common judge, each party has an equal right to judge for itself, as well … Read more

Notable Quote: Adam Smith

It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their own interest.  We address ourselves, not to their humanity, but to their self love, and never talk to them of our own necessities, but of their advantages.  Nobody but a beggar chooses to … Read more

She’s Baaaaaacccckkkk!

Rep-Carol-Shea-Porter - I missed voting with Pelosi 100% by this much
I missed voting with Pelosi 100% by this much

Carol Shea-Porter (Sheep-Porter, SEIU-Porter, Shea-Pelosi, Clown-Porter,  etc), whose claim to fame is that she could have voted with Nancy Pelosi 100% of the time had she not missed 2% of the votes, is dutifully regurgitating the party line in New Hampshire in her 2012 effort to earn another two year-long conjugal visit with your wallet–She is running to save New Hampshire from the Tea Party.

One really big problem with that though…  while The TEA Party rose up when the Democrat spending binge began, their real claim to fame is opposing ObamaCare.  Oh, and driving a national movement that kicked Carol Shea- Porters ObamaCare supporting, tax and spend, backside back to Rochester New Hampshire where it should stay.

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Copart Adds Facility in New Hampshire

From the Motely Copart Adds Facility in New Hampshire DALLAS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Copart, Inc. (Nasdaq: CPRT  ) , a leading real-time online vehicle auction company, today announced the opening of its new 17 acre facility in Webster, New Hampshire. This latest addition to Copart’s footprint represents the company’s first facility in the state of New Hampshire … Read more

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