A fellow Granite Stater said, “Obama couldn’t run a lemonade stand“. Good for him, I say. I take his point: the bumbler in chief is so over his head that he can’t even muster the intellectual skill it takes to even perform a simple grade school task. But this guy should have used another example like, “Obama can’t fill out the forms that his type’s are forcing us to fill out when we want to brave opening a lemonade stand”.
“Obama couldn’t run a lemonade stand”, yeah, no kidding. Who can? Well no one can save the most artfully diligent bureaucracy seeking masochist and the well connected.
That statement used to mean something. It used to impart a negative meaning on subject of the claim. But it no longer has such a meaning. No one can run a lemonade stand any more without the proper registration, licenses, fees, permits, and Department of Lemonade Stand approval to ensure that you’re in compliance with registration, licenses, fees, and permits.
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