Obama Admits to “Performance Issues.”

Did you hear this one?  Barack Obama, speaking to Hollywood’s 1% at yet another fundraiser, in explanation for failing to show up for the first of only 3 debates he will have with Romney in front of America, said he can’t perform flawlessly night after night. Performance issues Mr. President? A few observations… Some of … Read more

ObamaFone Funnels Your Money To Big Obama Donors

tracfone- provider and benefactor of the Obama PhoneThe now infamous Obama supporter who got herself an ObamaPhone, very likely got it from TracFone.  Guess who runs TracFone?

A wireless company profiting from the so-called “Obama phone” giveaway program is run by a prominent Democratic donor whose wife has raised more than $1.5 million for the president since 2007.

Not surprised?  I’m not surprised that you are not surprised.

More on this Crony Capitalism?

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Impressive. Most Impressive.

You don’t have to be into Marching Bands to like this palate cleanser.   This is the Ohio State marching band and their tribute to video-games.  Pay particular attention to the six minute mark.  It is very much worth the wait. H/T Hot Air

Ask New Hampshire Democrats About Fines For The Most Vulnerable

Effective October 1st, 2012 (that means it started last week folks)… Hospitals who re-admit patients within 30 days after they were discharged will now have to, under an Obamacare provision, pay fines as of October 1, 2012, which could force hospitals to slash programs that help the elderly, the poor, and the chronically ill. According … Read more

How About Those Jobs Numbers?

The Bureau of Laboring Statistics announced that the economy created 114,000 jobs last month.  If we ignore the fact that this is not even enough to address population growth (so the lower unemployment percent of 7.8% actually means bad things), and just look at job growth averages, Democrats might want to ignore this report and … Read more

Tax and Spend Democrats Getting Ready to Raise Your Taxes…if you let them

We already told you about the New Hampshire Democrat’s Legislative Service Request for an Income tax.  There is also another; Democrat Chuck Weed is looking to raise the beer tax. (LSR 136)  And now there are murmurings about the need to raise New Hampshire’s gas tax.   And a cigarette tax would be a given.   Regressive … Read more

“Obama couldn’t run a lemonade stand”, No Kidding, Who Can?

A fellow Granite Stater said, “Obama couldn’t run a lemonade stand“.  Good for him, I say.  I take his point:  the bumbler in chief is so over his head that he can’t even muster the intellectual skill it takes to even perform a simple grade school task.  But this guy should have used another example like, “Obama can’t fill out the forms that his type’s are forcing us to fill out when we want to brave opening a lemonade stand”.

“Obama couldn’t run a lemonade stand”, yeah, no kidding. Who can?  Well no one can save the most artfully diligent bureaucracy seeking masochist and the well connected.

That statement used to mean something.  It used to impart a negative meaning on subject of the claim.  But it no longer has such a meaning.  No one can run a lemonade stand any more without the proper registration, licenses, fees, permits, and Department of Lemonade Stand approval to ensure that you’re in compliance with registration, licenses, fees, and permits.

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Ask A NH Democrat: About Having “A Conversation About Taxes”

Back in 2010 Barack Obama’s excuse for not allowing taxes to rise (by letting inherited tax cuts expire) was that despite Democrats four year grip on congress and their parties complete control of government for two years, it wasn’t time to let that happen.   But not to worry.  He’d let taxes go back up at … Read more


Fifty-one seconds of Obama at his TelePrompTer-less best. Lets call it soaring…Rhet-‘uh’-ric. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=819q62ZMYVk   Hot Air

Ask New Hampshire Democrats…About Gas Prices

Nothing says ‘we have no principles whatsoever’ like a crowd of screeching banshees gone silent when the shoe is on the other foot. If you’ve failed to notice, this happens to Democrats often, and no example is more prominent than gas prices.

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Black Vote In Question?

The fact that I even have to write a title like that is absurd but that’s where we are.  And we’re more ‘there’ now than before the great uniter floated into the Oval Office on a glowing cloud drawn by a color-blind team of bipartian BS.  So why might the black vote be in question? … Read more

Going after bin Laden is Gutsy Call? ..Only If You’re A Liberal.

bin_laden sniper scopeKilling bin Laden was a gutsy call.  That’s what the liberals want you to think.  That is the Democrat/Media rhetoric.  Obama made a gutsy call.  And the National Geographic channel made the gutsy call to broadcast the movie about killing bin Laden two days before the November 6th election.

Don’t want to run the Bush National Guard ‘story’ again–Obama is still running against Bush after all.  Nope. They’re going with the Pro-Obama Gutsy call movie two days before the election.  And what about that anyway?

Was going after bin Laden really a gusty call?

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Ask Maggie Hassan: What Pledge Did You Take?

Did Maggie Hassan Take the Pledge?Maggie “Louisville Slugger” Hassan says she took The Pledge.  What she means (at least for us to believe) is that she took the anti-tax pledge.  The one where Democrats lie to voters about promising to veto any sales or income tax that reaches them.  Lie or not I’m having a hard time figuring out exactly what she means.

CNHT, New Hampshire’s traditional keeper of ‘The No Tax Pledge’ has no record of Hassan submitting a signed Pledge to veto a broad based tax.

American’s for Tax Reform, similarly aligned with CNHT, also does not list Maggie Hassan as someone who has taken the no tax pledge.

So what pledge did Maggie Hassan take?

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The Dinner Table

Americans for Prosperity – they’re on our side and Democrats hate them which makes them that much more awesome–has released its most recent Ad, this one in response to the ridiculous jobs report that shows unemployment down when the economy isn’t even producing enough jobs to account for population growth.

Here’s the Video – “The Dinner Table.”   The AFP Press release is on the jump.


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This is What the Election Should Look Like…

Obama’s not cool he is clueless.  And this is what the Election should look like, but you have to get out and vote to make that happen.                                 One more, because we’ve been saying it since at least 2008…

Media Bias In Iran – Not that Different

This story is about how the Iranian currency, the rial, has lost four fifths of its value in the past year.  While that has many portents what caught my eye was this… “They spend billions of dollars to keep Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in power, but now they say they have no money!,” one garment … Read more

From The ‘Democrats Can’t Get Out of Thier Own Way’ File…

I just heard a report that someone at Obama For Obama For Obama posted a letter from a young lady with Downs Syndrome on their Campaign Web Site.  She “wrote in” to say that while she works and pay taxes she does get some government support because she has Downs Syndrome.   And because of … Read more

Dateline Dover NH: Judge Lewis Hear’s Motions to Intervene…or Something.

Today Superior Court Judge John Lewis (D- Durham), will hear from a number of individuals who object to this rubber-stamping the ACLU’s request to suspend voter registration requirements relating to domicile.  Lewis agreed with the ACLU and League of Women voters.   The AG and Secretary of state are on that list of those who disagree, as are a few others, each asking that the hasty decision be rolled back.

But one of the most important factors weighing in on today’s hearing has to be that the New Hampshire State Supreme Court has already declared jurisdiction over the case and will fast track their hearing should Judge Lewis fail to clean up the mess he has created.

So what happened at the hearing today?

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Empty Chair Update – Debate Edition

Anthropogenic Global Aphorism Inversion

You’ve heard it, perhaps, that “your attitude will determine your altitude?” Well Al Gore has came out in defense of President Obama’s horrible debate performance by turning that pithy little aphorism on its head. B.Obama was lousy because your “Altitude determines your attitude.” There is a place in America higher up than Obama’s inflated ego?  … Read more

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