Blue Collar Joe Biden is a Fraud

Joe Biden Thinks the American People Are Stupid! Are You?

There is a saying, “If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it.”  Here is a new example of Joe Biden, falsely accusing President Trump and his supporters for the BLM and Antifa anarchy, violence, rioting, looting, and unrest across America.

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What America Represents

Watch: Anarchist Protestors Openly Calling for the “Death to America!”

Following the deliberations of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, Benjamin Franklin was asked, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” Franklin responded, “A Republic, if you can keep it.” It has taken more than 240 years for the Day of Reckoning to arrive.  The future of America is literally on the … Read more

Karen Testerman For Governor

Why Karen Testerman Should Replace Gov. Sununu

Do you think you don’t have a Republican choice for Governor?  Watch this 2:36 minute video to hear Karen Testerman in her own words.  She is intelligent, insightful, thoughtful and well spoken.  She respects the Constitution and individual freedom. Karen Testerman is an EXCELLENT candidate, and I believe she is the BEST candidate who is … Read more

NBC Universal Logo on GLass

A Different Perspective Regarding What You Read, Believe and Share

I respect the right of everyone to express their thoughts… whether they be right, wrong or misguided. That includes Windham Resident Mrs. Cathy Robertson Souter, who wrote a letter to the local Windham paper last week to warn

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Covid 19 Coronavirus SARS Cov2

Doctor’s Powerful Testimony: “Covid Cure”, Silent Doctors are like “Good Germans Who Watched Jews Get Killed and Did Not Speak Up!”

The Texas doctor who begins to speak at 5:34 in the video link below (which is being censored by Google/YouTube and Twitter), said she has personally treated over 350 patients with Covid – all cured, regardless of pre-existing conditions; “Patients that have diabetes.  Patients that have high blood pressure.  Patients that have asthma.  Old people.  … Read more

Dr. Ron Paul Dismantles the False “Covid Spike” Narrative (4.5 Min video)

Former U.S. Representative Dr. Ron Paul discusses the wildly exaggerated misreporting of Covid-19 data that is being used to justify “the greatest assault on our civil liberties in our lifetime”.  He uncovers examples of Covid-19 listed as the cause of death for a motor cycle accident, massive over reporting of Covid cases across Florida and other states (e.g. Orlando reported 98% positivity instead of the actual 9.4%)

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Portland Children Used As Political Pawns

This 21 second video speaks for itself.

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Coronavirus Image- Bostong herald

Couple Under House Arrest After Testing Positive For COVID-19

A Kentucky couple is under house arrest because one of them tested positive for COVID-19 and refused to sign self-quarantine papers. Elizabeth Linscott got tested for COVID-19 because she was planning to visit her parents and wanted to be cautious.  Although she showed no symptoms, her test came back positive.  She verbally agreed to self-quarantine … Read more

NBC Universal Logo on GLass

NBC Universal to Cut 24% of Workforce Because They Are White!

NBC Universal chairman Cesar Conde said the white share of NBC’s workforce, now at 74% and divided evenly between men and women, will be chopped to 50%.

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Trump coronavirus press conference

Did the U.S. Army Call President Trump a White Supremacist? Why Yes… Yes They Did.

The U.S. Army joined the list of WOKE organizations that are pushing the White Supremacy narrative and temporarily labeled our Commander-In-Chief a White Supremacist. The Army Missile & Aviation Center’s Equal Employment Opportunity Manager Chaney P. Pickard sent an email to invite employees to listening sessions on race and diversity.  Attached to the email was … Read more

Is Governor Chris Sununu a Tyrant or a Racist?

Is Governor Chris Sununu a tyrant or a racist?  I believe this is a fair question, based on his words and his actions during the past few months regarding Covid-19. Under the edicts of the Governor, he forced many businesses in the state of New Hampshire to be closed. Only businesses that were deemed “essential” … Read more


Resistance Is Futile!

With governments suspending Rights around the world (because “safety trumps everything”), it is disturbing to see this type of technology that could someday be used to enforce their tyranny.   The description of a longer version of this video states: This video is a comedic parody and is not owned, endorsed, created by, or associated … Read more

Chris Sununu

Governor Sununu, You Have Some Splainin’ To Do!

Just as when Ricky Riccardo told Lucy she had some splainin to do when she made a mess of things (way back when in the “I Love Lucy” TV series), Governor Sununu also has some splainin to do (as well as his advisors) for the mess they have put NH in.  Their policies are killing … Read more

Civil Disobedience – Salon Owner Fined and Jailed for Opening Business, Lieutenant Governor Offers to Pay Fine and Serve Her Time

The illegal stay-at-home Executive Orders by governors across America ignore the fundamental foundation of our Country: Freedom! Two American Heroes committed civil disobedience to oppose Government Tyranny; Texas salon owner Shelley Luthor and (surprisingly) Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick. While it’s important to keep at-risk people safe from Covid-19 (over 60 and/or with pre-existing conditions), … Read more

ReopenNH Rally Delivers Petitions to Governor – Lots of Pictures!

Recent studies have shown original concerns regarding the coronavirus were way overblown, and that the mortality rate is equivalent to the seasonal flu.  But the Governor continues to ignore factual data based on reputable studies and instead double down by continuing to make irrational, emotional decisions based on models that were wildly wrong and thoroughly … Read more

Two Studies: Coronavirus Mortality Similar To The Flu!

Two studies in two different large California counties show the mortality rate of the coronavirus is similar to that of the seasonal flu. One study conducted by the University of Southern California (USC) and the L.A. Department of Public Health found that roughly 4.1% of the county’s adult population has already had the coronavirus and … Read more

Reopen NH Save Livlihoods

Why It’s Way Past Time to Reopen New Hampshire

Erroneous models have been used by our government to justify shutting down our freedoms and economy.  Some of the decisions may have been with good intentions, but it is becoming more clear day by day that it’s time to use factual data – and get back to Keeping America Great. 

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unborn baby in womb

A Disagreement Regarding Heinous Inhumanity

I respect Eva Bak and David Riese for expressing their opinions last week against my article in the Feb. 27th edition of the Windham Independent and also posted here on the Granite Grok. In that article, I exposed the heinous decision of Senators Shaheen and Hassan, who voted to NOT protect the lives of newborn infants

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Education Indoctrination Factory

Windham’s School Board – Helping to Build a Strong Socialist Voting Base (Part 1)

Young adults are the largest demographic voting block that embraces socialism. History has shown that all socialist and communist governments have murdered millions of their dissident citizens. So, where does the love affair for socialism originate for America’s youth?

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unborn baby in womb

Heinous Monsters: NH Senators Shaheen and Hassan Support Passive Infanticide

NH has two heinous monsters in the US Senate (Senators Shaheen and Hassan) who support passive infanticide by withholding medical care to newborn babies who survive an abortion.  It’s difficult for me to use such harsh language, but I cannot in good conscience sugar coat the horrific meaning of their votes on S.311.  Human life is sacred, and leaving a helpless newborn baby to die without care should be criminalized, but Senators Shaheen and Hassan voted to block that legislation.

According to Jeanne Mancici, president of March for Life, all Democratic presidential candidates are monsters as well,

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