Young adults are the largest demographic voting block that embraces socialism. History has shown that all socialist and communist governments have murdered millions of their dissident citizens. So, where does the love affair for socialism originate for America’s youth?
Related: We May Have an Electioneering Problem in New Hampshire Public Schools
Look no further than traditional public schools that have become Indoctrination Centers.
I’ve written about it multiple times in the recent past – but some things never change – because School Boards don’t do their jobs – especially in Windham!
NH has laws that prohibit political activity and electioneering in schools.
NH RSA 15:5 Prohibited Activities
I. Except as provided in paragraph II, no recipient of a grant or appropriation of state funds may use the state funds to lobby or attempt to influence legislation, participate in political activity, or contribute funds to any entity engaged in these activities.
NH RSA 659:44-a Electioneering by Public Employees states
I. No public employee, as defined in RSA 273-A:1, IX, shall electioneer while in the performance of his or her official duties.
II. No public employee shall use government property or equipment, including, but not limited to, telephones, facsimile machines, vehicles, and computers, for electioneering.
III. For the purposes of this section, “electioneer” means to act in any way specifically designed to influence the vote of a voter on any question or office.
IV. Any person who violates this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Why doesn’t the Windham School Board ensure that these laws are followed and prevent election posters for ANY candidate from being displayed in classrooms?
Furthermore, why do some teachers violate the sacred trust that parents put in them to teach academics to their children – and why doesn’t the School Board hold those teachers accountable?
The most recent example took place in Windham High School Teacher Elizabeth Talon’s classroom, where campaign posters for Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg were hung prior to election day… and to put this into context, many High School seniors are eligible to vote. The quality of the images is not good, but the photographer tried to be quick due to the concern of retribution if caught.
This is not the first instance it appears that Talon went rogue (more on this in Part 2), and Talon is not the only teacher who appears to espouse their ideologies in the classroom.
How many times will the Windham School Board remain silent and enable teachers to continue to indoctrinate impressionable young students with their social justice ideologies and political support of liberal, socialist candidates?
Public schools are no place for teachers who indoctrinate children.
Not all teachers espouse their ideologies in our schools, but the Windham School Board enables those who wish to do just that. It doesn’t take much to influence impressionable young minds.
Vladimir Lenin proclaimed,
“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”
It’s past time for the Windham School Board to step up and do their job – or step down and let others do it to ensure our children are properly educated. Parents, Taxpayers and especially students deserve better.
Related Stories:
Ideologies do not belong in schools
Ideologies do not belong in schools (Part 2)
Ideologies in our Schools (Part 3)