American Exceptionalism: A Donald J. Trump Trip Down Memory Lane

Despite all of the challenges the Democrats have thrown in the way, President Donald Trump has restored America’s Exceptionalism in three short years.  If you love America, take this 3:40 trip down memory lane, as narrated by President Donald J. Trump: The Best Is Yet To Come!

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Democrats playing Lucy in socialist football

ICYMI: The Most Important 20 Seconds of the 2/19/20 Democratic Debate

Here’s an informative 20 second exchange regarding how the Democrats plan to govern our country.

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Meet Two of NH’s Most Influential News Voices – Tonight at 7 pm ET

Many people who represent us in government appear to have lost their way. It happens all along the food chain, from the federal level all the way down to our local governments. Even here in Windham. Those who were elected and appointed to serve – are in fact doing just that… but many times it’s difficult to see who it is they are serving. Many times it’s not us – and they need to be held accountable.

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MSNBC’s Chris Matthews Inadvertently Makes STRONG Pro 2nd Amendment Statement

While summarizing the results of the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates debate in Manchester last night, MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews criticized socialism and the tyranny that comes from it.  He attacked Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) for identifying as a socialist, and praised Sen. Amy Klobuchar for being brave to raise the issue: “She had the guts to … Read more

Gun Confiscation Battle Could Pit National Guard Against Virginia County Militia

The incoming Democrat majority in the Virginia State legislature has stated intentions to pass gun control confiscation in January to address the Governor’s call for “common-sense public safety laws” — including universal background checks and bans on assault-style weapons and bump stocks. 75 Virginia counties pushed back and preemptively declared themselves Second Amendment sanctuaries in … Read more

It’s All About The Children (But Not Always)…

Not in Windham NH. You’ve heard it many times. The emotional argument, “It’s for the children.” Sometimes that may be true, but too many times it’s not. Too many times, influential people (those politically connected) – are driven by personal motivation. And because of their connections, they get to impose their will by using those … Read more

This Says It All!

Clearly sums up the impeachment findings.   H/T: Tom

Speech narratives education propaganda indoctrination

Free Birth Control Flyers Passed Out To 7 Yr. Old Second Graders

Children as young as second graders at the Mary Hughes School in Piney Flats, Tennessee received a flyer promoting a three-day clinic to access free birth control and pre-pregnancy services:

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Liberal Democrat Dershowitz Compares Democrats To Russian Secret Police Under Stalin

I’ve felt for a long time that the mainstream media in America has become a propaganda machine, much like the USSR’s state-run Pravda back in the days of the Soviet Union — supplying support for those who wish to undermine our Constitution and inalienable Rights.

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10-Year-Old Girls in California School Learn How to Put On Condoms in Disturbing “Condom Race”

California’s radical “Health Education Framework” is child abuse, and violates the sacred trust that parents have placed in public education. Most parents are unaware of the trauma to which their children are exposed.

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Trump Biden Ukraine Ad

Did Joe Biden Coerce Ukraine to Influence American Elections?

The Democrats are desperate to convince the American people that President Trump violated the law by coercing Ukraine to influence an American election. The Democrats are holding secret meetings in search of anything that could be used to impeach President Trump. But has anybody asked if Joe Biden coerced Ukraine? The so-called “scandal” regarding Ukraine … Read more

Misused words like Racism

‘It’s Okay to be White’ Flyers Found on College Campus, Police Launch Investigation

Over the past year, there has been a concerted attack on caucasian people.  Students are being taught that our founding fathers were racist.  Classes are provided to teach students how to deal with “white guilt,”  And elderly white men are demonized as “old white supremisists.”

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Tucker Carlson Antifa Mob at his home

Socialized Tyranny…

Many years of fake news supporting radical Socialist/Communist/Marxist celebrities and politicians calling for intimidation and threats against freedom loving Americans have led to verbal and physical attacks against conservatives all across the nation in an effort to stifle Constitutional freedoms – and our God-given Rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. This past … Read more

Why I Support Jane Cormier for Executive Council District 4

Jane at Rileys Colt EventJane Cormier strongly supports our State and U.S. Constitutions.  Her service as State Rep. earned the highest scores from many independent conservative organizations due to unwavering support for family values, property rights, smaller government, individual liberty, lower taxes, and Second Amendment Rights.

Jane is strong, principled, and independent.  Her moral values and belief in God always lead Jane to do the right things for the right reasons.  She is incorruptible.

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