Nashua NH arial view

Politicking by Nashua North and South High School Principals

I saw a letter from the Exeter Superintendent recently. And here is another one by Nate Burns, Principal of Nashua North and Keith Richard, Principle of Nashua South: I would take these letters by these Nashua High School Principals and the next time there is a pro-life event, ask the signers to send out similar … Read more

This Rot we’re Seeing with BLM Riots Started in Our School Systems.

Now that you’ve seen the mayhem in action, where is this coming from? Why does it appear to be mainly young people who are rioting and expressing their Marxist views? LOOK NO FURTHER THAN YOUR LOCAL PUBLIC SCHOOL.

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Who has your child’s data in school?

After reading through an opinion piece written by William R. Harbron Ed.D, superintendent of the Dover School District in Dover: Education in Dover: What is social and emotional learning and why you should care, I noticed he left many important issues out of this new federal education policy that parents need to be aware of. Should government schools … Read more


Update on Medicaid funding to local schools.

UPDATE: Audrey Stoffle, Chief Editor for Psychology Degree 411 brought it to our attention that we failed to properly give credit / proper linkage to their content. That has now been updated and their content is now properly “offset” as a quote.  We have also apologized to Ms. Stoffle for not doing it the first … Read more

How Technology Vendors are Building a Profile on Toddlers in New Hampshire with the Assistance of Governor Sununu:

Governor Sununu announced in a press conference that New Hampshire would receive a Preschool Development grant from the federal government. This is an initiative coming to New Hampshire that involves tracking personal information on your children from birth to the age of 20 years old. Spark NH has been pushing a political agenda for more access to early childhood education in spite … Read more

andru volinsky edelblut Education

Where has Volinsky Been?

In the article titled: “Volinsky calls for Edelblut to go,” (Union Leader, Dec. 18) Executive Councilor Andru Volinsky argues that Commissioner Edelblut has advanced policies that weaken financial support for public schools.

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Superintendents in New Hampshire are dropping like flies. Here’s how to fix it

Honesty, integrity, ethics, morals are all still qualities you find in a great leader.  So what’s going on in New Hampshire?

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Smiling elementary school kids sitting at desks in classroom

The Danger Lurking Inside Your Child’s New Hampshire Classroom

Are your kids in danger by just attending school in New Hampshire? Schools across New Hampshire have begun implementing Social and Emotional Learning (SEL).  According to the Rand Corporation:

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Joyce Craig

Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig: a lousy education legacy

Mayor Joyce Craig has done nothing to improve the quality of education in Manchester. As Chairman of the Board, she should have come in with a plan to improve the public schools in Manchester. Instead, she appears to be punting that authority to community organizers like Manchester Proud and the Nellie Mae Foundation.  Both of … Read more

IB means no life

Bedford’s International Baccalaureate Coordinator Censors IB Students’ Honest Critique of the IB Program

As a former Bedford resident who continually questioned the value of the International Baccalaureate Program in the school district, I was not surprised when I found out that an attempt by IB diploma students to criticize their experience, would not be allowed. Bedford’s IB Coordinator, Jon Cannon sent an e-mail to the Senior Diploma Candidates, … Read more

Manchester School District

Manchester School District: On the Verge of Adopting a Failed Common Core Math Program?

The good news is, Manchester is looking to provide a math program for their students.  The bad news is, the programs chosen align with the failed Common Core standards that have been plaguing schools for almost a decade now. The Curriculum and Instruction Committee began looking at different math programs to adopt in the school … Read more

Mullen - Dietsch

Bedford: Democrats Sue Mullen and Jeanne Dietsch VOTE to Exploit Children

Both Senator Jeanne Dietsch (D) and now Representative Sue Mullen (D) of Bedford have voted to remove parental consent when children take non-academic surveys in school.

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Are New Hampshire Students Now at a Disadvantage When they Take the SAT/ACT?

With the recent announcement by the College Board to include adversity scores to the SAT, parents around the country are wondering if their children should sit for the assessment. David Coleman, the mastermind of the failed Common Core standards currently serves as the College Board President.  Since Coleman began his tenure, there have been numerous … Read more

trump student Ciretta MacKenzie

My Report from the Epping School Board meeting: Civility, Respect, and Free Speech

The mother of the girl who was told to cover up her Trump T-shirt started the meeting with a statement.  She had composure and, set the stage for a civil discussion on what happened. I wish every parent took the opportunity to address their school board in the same way when problems arise. After that, … Read more

trump student Ciretta MacKenzie

ATTEND the Epping School Board Meeting to support 1st Amendment Rights

The recent story about a student in Epping told to cover up her “Make America Great Again” shirt on a day chosen to honor America, has invoked quite the response from individuals on both sides of the political fence.

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Victoria Sullivan for Mayor of Manchester

Victoria Sullivan, the Candidate, the Mother, and the Legislator

So today Victoria Wojdylak Sullivan announced that she is running for Mayor in Manchester.  Let me tell you about Victoria so that you get an idea of the candidate, the mother, and the legislator. I met Victoria several years ago and really got to know her when she served as Manchester’s State Representative on the … Read more

Did Bedford Make a BIG MISTAKE Electing Senator Jeanne Dietsch?

In 2017 parents finally enjoyed a victory for parental rights.  Governor Sununu signed an important law that supported informed consent by a parent/guardian before their children could participate in a non-academic survey. What’s so bad about non-academic surveys in our schools?  A LOT. Google inappropriate surveys in schools and you will find examples of surveys … Read more


Lobbying the NH Legislators: Toddlers for the Workforce!

Even though we are seeing more studies about the dangers of early education on young children, there is a political agenda that seeks to push more children into schools earlier and earlier. Recently Harvard published a study on the dangers of early school enrollment. As one blogger reported, they (toddlers) are seen as in investment. Emily Talmage reported: … Read more

What is the Superintendent in Laconia Hiding?

I’ve been searching for information on the mental health data collected and shared on students in the Laconia School District.  Accessing this information has become challenging, given the responses by the current Superintendent in the district, Brendan Minnihan. One thing is clear from the information that has been provided, mental health data on the students is … Read more

If this is happening in Merrimack schools without Parental Notification, it’s probably happening in your’s.

“New Hampshire schools have redirected the purpose of school, and the primary focus is not on academics.”

Marge Chiafery, Superintendent of Schools;

I appreciate your response that you have provided and appreciate the open dialogue about data collection and social, emotional, and behavioral programming (SEL) in the state of New Hampshire. After reading the regulations for FERPA, it appears that personally identifiable information (PII) collected at the local school district level in the state of New Hampshire (i4See Data Collection system) can be shared without parents knowing about it. Knowing that social, emotional and behavioral programming is being initiated in the state, I believe the sheer magnitude of sharing sensitive, personal, and private data brings the legal issues of privacy, safety, and security to the front of my concerns. I’m sure you would agree.

Although it appears that schools and the New Hampshire Department of Education tell parents and communities that the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C. §1232g, is a Federal Privacy law designed to protect the privacy of students’ educational records. Regrettably, regulations were changed without Congressional authority where data mining of our children is permitted for research and development without the knowledge and consent of the parents. I believe it is important that parents are informed about this loophole in the regulations. Protecting children and families should be of utmost importance particularly if children are being used as research subjects. When you stated in your letter, “We have been, and will continue to be methodical in our research and in the application of research into practice….” your comment sheds light on exactly what is happening in our classrooms…methodical research into practice. Professional ethical protocols require informed consent when researching, assessing and treating subjects.

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