Red States Are Banning DEI (Anti-White Racism) … Why Can’t New Hampshire

DEI is simply the sublimation of anti-white racism. Individuals are simply a factor of their skin color, and whatever other identity factors the Democrat Party decides are oppressed and need protecting. That fill-in-the-blank is too white, too male, too Christian, too heterosexual.

Sherry Frost

Democrat House Rep. Labels New Hampshire’s Republican Governor a White Supremacist

If you were looking for an unhinged radical extreme leftist, you do not need to go to California. New Hampshire has plenty of them. Why do you think Bernie Sanders always does so well here?

Welcome to Keene NH

Keene Mayor: “Part of the Reason New Hampshire is so Safe is the State is 98% White.

Kendall Lane’s tenure as Mayor of Keene ends this month. But before he leaves office, there’s a bit of scandal to share. Last year, in an interview for a student documentary, he had a curious thought about why Gun Crazy New Hampshire™ has such a low crime rate.

NH Is Too White

The New Racism: New Hampshire is Too White to Have an Early Primary

In 2016 Republicans picked a black man and a Hispanic man as their nominees for Congress. Democrat’s picked two pasty white folks you’d be hard-pressed to separate in a line up from a pack of 20-pound white printer paper. So, let’s be clear about something.

Gay pride flag - star of david

Will New Hampshire White Mountains Pride ‘Exclude’ the Jews?

The Dyke March in Washington, DC is an exercise in Inclusive Excellence. It embraced Palestinian lesbians and their flags but prohibited Jewish lesbians because those flags were threatening to the Palestinians.

New Hampshire’s Democrat Legislature – Old, White Males Need Not Apply … Except …

This, from the “Executive Director” of the New Hampshire Young Democrats: While it does not say “old, white male Gov’s” of course that’s what she means. Two points. One is that this is how today’s Democrats see the world (or as the second point shows want their foot-soldiers to see the world).  We are not … Read more


FBI Report: Hate Crimes Plummet Under Republicans in ‘Too White’ New Hampshire

Regular readers will know that I do not believe in either hate speech or hate crime as legal concepts. Any motivation,  in the context of hate crimes, comes loaded with bias and opens the enforcement mechanisms in society to justify persecutions contrary to the purported purpose of adding “hate” to crime in the first place. … Read more

New Hampshire is Too White and ‘Experts’ Want to Fix It.

New Hampshire, at 94%, is the third ‘whitest’ state demographically in the country. We’re one percent more diverse, according to the people who define such things, than Maine and the People’s Republic of Vermont. The Granite State’s ‘experts’ are gathering to confer on how to fix that. Why?

A Cautionary Note to New Hampshire Municipalities To Avoid Tax Credit Schemes

Nashua City officials partnered with Mascoma Bank to accept New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) federal money, providing tax credits to private businesses to provide additional funding to construct our Performing Arts Center.

Sun King Sununu

Click Your Heels Together Three Times, While Repeating “New Hampshire Advantage”

Kelly Ayotte has quite a future … in comedy, NOT politics. She’s telling everybody that she is going to stop the Democrat gubernatorial candidates from “massing up” New Hampshire. When New Hampshire is already “massed up” beyond repair.

New Hampshire is very Much a Part of Rise of the Censorship Industrial Complex

In 2016, New Hampshire Police and Fire rewarded Concord PD Julie Curtin for inter-Alia calling around the world to get internet posts taken down regarding Chessy Prout, the state witness in NH v Owen Labrie. She was rewarded for going above and beyond and getting “justice for the victim.”

New Hampshire’s Racists Rejoice … Woke Federal Judge Nixes Anti-Discrimination Law

Earlier this week (I’m writing this on 5/30) a federal judge nixed New Hampshire’s anti-discrimination law. Many States have passed laws prohibiting CRT … Critical Race Theory, which is a euphemism for anti-White racism … so it’s fair to say the judge who nixed New Hampshire’s anti-discrimination law was applying the Left’s woke-constitution.

Unhinged Democrats

And Then There Were Three Pasty White Dems Running to Replace Pasty White Ann Kuster

New Hampshire Dems like to talk about diversity and equity and POC or even BIPOC, minorities “being seen,” Critical Race Theory, and even white supremacy, so you’d be right to wonder why this doesn’t translate to candidates for federal offices.

NH state house dome

Sorry, Bitter-Clingers … The UniParty Is Real, And In New Hampshire

Alright. Altogether now: Republicans … GOOD. Democrats … BAD. Republicans … GOOD. Democrats … Bad. Louder. Louder. Republicans … GOOD. Democrats … BAD. Republicans … GOOD. Democrats … Bad.


The NHGOP Is Enabling And Funding DEI (That Lovely Euphemism For Anti-White Racism) … WHY?

First, credit where credit is due. Excellent piece in NH-NeverTrump Journal exposing how broadly and deeply the Left has implanted DEI … that lovely euphemism for anti-white racism that the NHGOP is afraid to call anti-white racism … into public education.

driveway home concrete

No Jo(k)e … Outlawing Single-Family Housing Will Drive What Remains Of Real Republicans Out Of New Hampshire

The NHGOP is a noxious, dysfunctional amalgam of Rockefeller Republicans (or RINOs, if you prefer), Corporatists, Koch-bots, Free-Staters (or libertarians choosing to run for political office as Republicans, if you prefer), and a shrinking number of real Republicans.

NH state house dome

Support Anti-White Racism … Vote For Rep Alissandra Murray

Stae Rep Alissandra Murray … you may have heard about her? The State Rep who as a practical matter was/is being paid to be a State Rep by some abortion-advocacy group. From NH-NeverTrump Journal:

Pasty White VanOstern Running to Replace Pasty White Ann Kuster – Did the NH Dems Learn Nothing?

Local ABC affiliate WMUR reports that pasty white New Hampshire Democrat Colin Van Ostern is stepping up to run for Congress after Ann Kuster announced her retirement. Van  Ostern has been Kuster’s campaign manager, a former Executive Councilor, and one of Chris Sununu’s Dem challengers (he lost).

Daryl … That’s The Whole Point Of Calling You A Racist, White Supremacist, Etc.

So I already posted some thoughts on the recent “debate” in the New Hampshire State Senate over illegal immigration: Adam Sexton Thinks Speech Codes Are “Interesting,” and The Becky Whitleys Are The “Dehumanizers.” I have a few more.

New Hampshire State Rep Wants Christians To Shut Up and Stay out of Politics

In March of 2023, I was part of a group of Republicans in Nashua Ward 7 that organized to hand out fliers promoting Education Freedom Accounts (EFAs) to our local public elementary schools, Dr. Crisp and Sunset Heights. Dr. Crisp has been recognized as one of the lowest-performing five percent of all schools in the … Read more