
Solar Panel Pimp is Wrong on HB544

New Hampshire Business Review (NHBR) likes to publish Dan Weeks’ “thoughts” on various issues, mostly climate and green energy-related, Seacoast real estate (which needed serious debunking), and now his opposition to HB544 which we simply can’t ignore.

Jeanne Shaheen’s Dirty Green Money?

Jeanne Shaheen is a beneficiary of money flowing from the Sierra Club, but Sierra has recently come under scrutiny for some of its fundraising tactics, including commercial arrangements that financially benefited their leadership and also resulted in Sierra Club profits for which no taxes were ever paid. We know how ‘concerned’ senator Shaheen is about … Read more

The World Refuses to End and Other Misc. Business

On the 2018 Summer Solstice, a climate witch predicted humanity’s doom if “we” did not stop using fossil fuels in the next five years. June 21st, 2024, has come and gone, and while we may still be doomed six years later, it is not because of fossil fuels. The people trying to force us off … Read more

sun sunrise sunset heat wave

The Next Hottest Summer Ever Update

If the corporate media says it, the odds are good that it is misleading, an incomplete ‘truth,’ or a lie. But because they are so politically driven in their choices and coverage, you can almost glean the truth based on how hyperbolic their response is or how narrow their focus is.

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Meme Overflow

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  And yes there will be a Friday edition too.

wind farm sunset Image by Markus Distelrath from Pixabay

White Guilt Wind

If White Guilt needed a poster Girl, there are many from whom to choose, but if you don’t feel like looking, Leah Stokes fits the bill. She is the senior author of a paper funded by pro-wind-energy concerns titled “Prevalence and predictors of wind energy opposition in North America.”