Biden's Green Future Makes Solar Panels More Dangerous to You and the Environment - Granite Grok

Biden’s Green Future Makes Solar Panels More Dangerous to You and the Environment

solar panel solar farm Photo by American Public Power Association on Unsplash

The collective unconscious has yet to realize this scientific fact. Green Energy is bad for the environment. Wind and Solar are dirty, carbon-intensive at both the beginning and end of life and unrecyclable – but that’s not bad enough. Biden* has plans to make solar more dangerous.

Related: Dirty Secret: The Green Energy Utopia is an Oppressive Carbon-Intensive Mess

The Left’s carbon-free utopia is a threat to public health.


The Biden administration on Thursday set a goal to cut the cost of solar energy by 60% over the next decade as part of an ambitious plan to decarbonize the United States’ power sector by 2035. … To get there, the agency committed to spending $128 million on technologies, including perovskite solar cells, which are regarded as a promising cheap alternative to the silicon cells that dominate the market. Funds will also support research on cadmium telluride and concentrating solar technologies.


From WUWT:

  •  Cadmium is horribly toxic. less than half a gram of Cadmium in your system will really mess up your day. Symptoms include cancer, “Cadmium Blues” (persistent flu-like symptoms), renal failure, softening of the bones, emphysema, and respiratory damage. Can you imagine having several pounds of Cadmium on your roof? What if your neighbour’s solar-powered rooftop catches fire?
  • Tellurium is unpleasant, though it does not seem as toxic as Cadmium. At least people seem to recover from Tellurium poisoning. Clinical features of acute tellurium toxicity include a metallic taste, nausea, vomiting, blackened oral mucosa and skin, and corrosive gastrointestinal tract injury from acidic solvents.
  • perovskite solar cell (PSC) is a type of solar cell which includes a perovskite-structured compound, most commonly a hybrid organic-inorganic lead or tin halide-based material, as the light-harvesting active layer. 


Front-end processing for these changes will be dirtier as well as the end of life—none of it green or even close. Leeching is always a genuine possibility, especially when you force these into production and use by Federal fiat. Solar landfills will make the scaremongering over PFOA’s look even pettier. But the house fire scenario is perhaps the most obvious and dangerous problem.

A burning house is already a potential environmental disaster. What happens when you add rooftops covered with cadmium? You can evacuate the neighborhood, and anyone downwind, in itself a major carbon-generating mess, but potentially toxic cancer-causing material spread across miles of your hometown. Acid Rain, pshaw! We’ve amped up the potential for cadmium poisoning across three zip codes.

Do they systemically downplay the risk to public health, or deploy these deliberately then impose additional restrictions on our lives and livelihoods due to the threat they pose? After COVID19, there is no length to which they will not go because they know they can go there.

Honestly, I could see it go either way, but why do we even need to go there? And when will the Green Teamers admit that even absent those risks, the battery technology needed to scale this sort of agenda represent an even greater public health risk?

Biden* – see also, Whoever is Running the Biden Administration (WRBA).
