If China Can Build 8-10 Nuclear Power Plants a Year Why Can’t We?

You’d be hard-pressed to find a proper progressive who dislikes how China gets things done. Xi commands it, and everyone else, including the pretend legislature, lines up to make it happen. Failure could mean death and good fortune to someone needing an organ replacement.

China, China, Chi-Nah!

Democrats and their water carriers are forever telling us China is building and installing all that wind and solar we should, too. We must be like them, but China is also building nuclear power plants at a record pace.


To wean their country off imported oil and gas, and in the hope of retiring dirty coal-fired power stations, China’s leaders have poured money into wind and solar energy. But they are also turning to one of the most sustainable forms of non-renewable power. Over the past decade China has added 37 nuclear reactors, for a total of 55, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, a un body. During that same period America, which leads the world with 93 reactors, added two.

Facing an ever-growing demand for energy, China isn’t letting up. It aims to install between six and eight nuclear reactors each year. Some officials seem to think that target is low. The country’s nuclear regulator says China has the capacity to add between eight and ten per year. The State Council (China’s cabinet) approved the construction of ten in 2022. All in all, China has 22 nuclear reactors under construction, many more than any other country.


And not to just be disagreeable with The Economist, but I do not believe for one second that China is building Nucelar to get away from dirty coal. I think it is building nuclear because its military-industrial complex needs more power, and dirty coal isn’t enough. I also believe the wind and solar are just window dressing to saddle idiot Western elites with unreliable energy when the time comes to take over the world – financially, commercially, culturally, and militarily, if necessary.

China is a communist nation. They don’t give a sh!t about the climate cult’s dogma except to feed it because it advances their geo-political goals. Everywhere around the world, they open mines and extract resources. They destroy the environment at the expense of indigenous populations. But the American Left loves them! So, how about we love some new nuclear power? That net-zero fantasy is impossible, but it is much more possible with Nucelar.

I’m sure they’ve streamlined the bureaucratic process for permitting and construction, and in China, thanks to all the coal-powered energy capacity they created, steel is likely cheap and abundant. You can’t make steel without burning coal. Their economy has been built to build back better.

Meanwhile, given the current economic conditions, America would have a hard time competing with China on energy infrastructure, but what possible excuse could the Progs have for not following China’s lead on Nuclear Energy? Do they want China to be stronger? Do they want America to be a weak country that can’t compete? Are they loving the idea of brownouts and blackouts and making everything we make and do cost more because of expensive fuel and electric rates so our products can’t compete?

Shouldn’t we be building more Nucelar to keep up?

I’m sure it will be amusing to watch the Left make excuses for not following China’s Nuclear push but how funny is that The Economist, a once reliable source for global news, clings bitterly to the idea that China is doing this to achieve Net zero by 2060 without suggesting we should too?

Or that the only net zero that interests the Chinese government is net-zero resistance to their political and military power.

China is building nuclear plants; we should, too. Lots of them – starting now. And you’ve no excuse. You can’t achieve your emissions cuts BS without them, nor can you excuse away why it is okay for China but not America.

But I know you’ll try.


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